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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter and Staff
Please deduct as many questions as you see fit. I have a basket of oil stocks which of course I have wished I did not own for quite a while. Monday will be brutal. My question is surrounding the fact that some of our companies have significant hedges in place at higher $ per barrel while others will not have any or many. In the event that the market torches them all on Monday equally would you please research and provide details on hedging % , period and $ for a large list below

Secondly could you advise of the debt to cash flow of the worst 4 of the above and the best 4 of the above.

Please provide detailed response with as many questions deducted as you see fit.

Thanks for all you do

Read Answer Asked by Dennis on March 09, 2020
Q: How do you view the above companies to boost yield, energy weighting and opportunity for capital gain. My objective is to minimize total equity exposure while achieving a targeted yield by seeking out more potent dividend names with good upside potential. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on January 15, 2020
Q: Hi team,
I have purchased ARX five weeks ago and am up 23%.Comments from fund managers have been very positive ,with the dividend safe and the debt load not overly large.I am looking for a small cap oil company that also pays a dividend in the 4to5% range, and has solid growth prospects.Could you recommend two or three names and should I sell half my position on ARX?
Thanks,and all the best in 2020.
Read Answer Asked by Jean on January 08, 2020
Q: Your thoughts for long term hold, 5 years
Read Answer Asked by Nhung on December 16, 2019
Q: Do you consider any of these dividends to be unsustainable? Any other comments on these companies?
Read Answer Asked by James on December 11, 2019
Q: In a recent answer to a question on an oil company, you mentioned that it is hard to be optimistic on a company if you don't like the management team. So my question is, which of the management teams in the oil sector would you want to align yourself with, and why? Alternatively, which of the management teams would you not align yourself with? Please deduct as many credits as necessary to fully answer my question. Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by dean on November 22, 2019
Q: I have positions in these companies way way under my cost. Looking for a strategy to capture some tax loss without giving up completely in allocation in case of oil turnaround. Consolidation in less number of stocks that represents the best potencial is an option or selling all of them and buying two or three different companies is another option. Appreciate any suggestion. Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Saad on November 07, 2019