Q: Hi 5i Aurinia pharma seems to have turned the corner with earnings and is also getting the drug into hospitals They are again reducing staff this time by 45%. They also have a new drug in trails. Please put on your speculative hat for the questions.
-would drug (Lupkynis) be of interest at this stage in development for another company to buy them and what would the buyout price be for the right company.
-going forward they will make about $220,000,000 a year this took about 3 1/2 years with a covid launch, what do you see max sale's being with the current set up and how many years to get there.
-Do you think Aurinia is a good speculative buy.
Thank you for your service!
-would drug (Lupkynis) be of interest at this stage in development for another company to buy them and what would the buyout price be for the right company.
-going forward they will make about $220,000,000 a year this took about 3 1/2 years with a covid launch, what do you see max sale's being with the current set up and how many years to get there.
-Do you think Aurinia is a good speculative buy.
Thank you for your service!