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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Dear 5i team.

Please provide an updated view of FLOW given recent Q results reported.
It's fall from IPO to current penny stock status is alarming. What ,in your view, does the Founder/now CEO need to do to right this ship and get the stock back to IPO levels? Can you give us a sense of the numbers they need to achieve to make this a possibility?

Many thanks for your insights.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on June 16, 2022
Q: Hi 5i team. Love what you guys offer here as I am a recent trial member who pulled the trigger and signed up. I currently hold ATZ, BAM.A FLOW GSY PRN SLF TOI VFV and WSP in a TFSA. I am looking at rounding out my portfolio to include one of: IIP.un, DIR.un, CAR.un for long term hold with focus on growth and ok with some volatility. So out of those 3 what would you suggest is the best one to choose? Also, any other suggestions you would consider adding to my portfolio for increased diversification based on my overall strategy? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Marco on March 02, 2022