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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am looking at DNTL, ZDC, MDA AND VHI. Would appreciate your input and recommendations of which are good and which to avoid. Please put them in order of preference.


Read Answer Asked by Donna on January 07, 2025
Q: Portfolio Cleanup Part 6:
I'm embarrassed to admit that I am down 50% or more (!) on the above.......
Are there any with good rebound potential that are worth holding on to? Can you provide a short reason why for each. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Charles on September 19, 2024
Q: Re your response to Ross Nov 9 on earnings I am curious to know how this Co acquired such a heavy debt load; It almost looks as though the company was under capitalized at issue. The accompanying profile refers to the Co acquiring practices but this could be outright purchase or simply a stake. What would be a normal debt load for this situation and what does acquiring imply? Could you also comment on the probability of the federal government announcing a supported dental plan, a possible date for such and the impact on the company if this occurs. What looked to be a desirable investment has sagged badly.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on November 27, 2023
Q: Except for CTS, ATZ, SHOP and LAC all of these, once darlings, are below where they were 5 years ago and all of them are down sharply from their all-time highs. Can you provide your thoughts on which, if any, of these stocks will be able to get back to their old highs and a guess on when. Also, please identify your top picks (ones that you are sure will survive and thrive in the next 2 to 3 years) and your bottom picks (ones that are destined to struggle for years). They don’t all need to go into those two groups, as the future of some of them may be fuzzy. A sentence or two on why you placed these stocks in these groups would be appreciated. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Mark on November 03, 2023