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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello -
If I own 5% of each of BIP.UN and BEP.UN, would it make sense to own 5% of BAM.A as well (or any particular percentage) ?
If it makes any difference at all, I own BIP.UN and BEP.UN in an RRSP and would consider owning BAM.A in an open account.


Read Answer Asked by James on January 02, 2019
Q: Hi there,

I own a position in AQN and would like two of these 5 in a balanced portfolio. This would be for an extremely long term hold. Which 2 would you prefer and why please?

Thanks and Happy New Year
Read Answer Asked by Tim on December 31, 2018
Q: My mother, presently retired (almost 80) has a little bit of extra savings that I would like to invest in very safe businesses (she has no equity investments at the moment). I am not anticipating much upside, as safety is more important; however, with recent market turmoil there has been no place to hide. As a result a lot of companies, both big and small, both profitable or not, both stable or not have all seen their evaluations erode.
Can you please provide the names of 5-6 Canadian companies preferably in more than on sector (along with a few words explaining why you like these companies) that pay dividends (the higher the better but should not be the only determining factor), that you feel are good companies (and have demonstrated this quality for many years, possibly decades), that have eroded in price for little/no reason and have a good chance of recovering their lost market value.
As an aside, I sometimes feel (without having done any historical analysis) that these are the winners in the long run. They tend to be stable, are of low risk, consistently have some growth, regularly return money (dividends) to their owners, may buy back shares,... And if bought at the right price become pretty good investments with limited risk.
Thank You and Happy Holidays :) !
Read Answer Asked by Walter on December 28, 2018
Q: With Bank of Canada suggesting this week that interest rates will likely not rise, but with the US Fed just suggesting likely two more rate increases, what do you think of buying Canadian Dividend Paying stocks right now? I think they are generally seen as positive when interest rates stabilize, but will Canadian dividend company stocks tend to decline in sympathy with US dividend stocks? For Canadian dividend stocks (3%+) what do you see as attractive next year - i.e. ones less affected by trade wars, lack of oil supply options, possible real estate bubbles, inter-provincial disputes, possible NAFTA turbulence!!!!!
Read Answer Asked by Kel on December 27, 2018
Q: Would you rather add to brookfield renewable or start a position in superior plus ?

Also, would you prefer Corby or Andrew Peller ? or neither at the moment and quickly explain why ?

Looking at 10 yr. holding period. Thank you !

Thank you !

Read Answer Asked by Pierre on December 27, 2018
Q: I am pretty sure you have answered this before but I could not find anything with the search option, so here goes.

Brookfield companies have a complex structure and I was wondering in which category exactly their distributions fall with regards to taxation. For example I read that sometimes distributions from shares of BIP held in a TFSA were subject to the 15% witholding tax, while some other times they were not.

Could you please clarify the situation and also state your prefered account in which to hold BEP, BIP and BAM? I have them on my radar, so I want to make sure I maximize returns when the time comes to own them.

Thank you very much as always.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre-Charles on December 19, 2018
Q: Hello -
There are two recent articles on Seeking Alpha regarding each of BEP.UN and BPY.UN by the same respected contributor.

Although I wouldn't expect you to necessarily read the whole articles, do you generally agree with their bullet points?

Three other points within the articles that jump out at me for both are:
- long runway / future growth - BEP.UN (good),
- good current valuation - BPY.UN (good)
- large amount of debt - Both (not so good).

He states however that much of the debt for both is non-recourse which he claims is less concerning. Would you agree with that statement -especially if we were to run into some sort of global debt crisis?

Read Answer Asked by James on December 17, 2018
KWH.UN (Crius Energy Trust)
VET (Vermilion Energy)
ALA (Altagas)
HOT.UN (American Hotel Income Properties REIT)
BEP.UN (Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners)
CJ (Cardinal Energy Ltd.)
DRG.UN (Dream Global Real Estate Investment)
IPL (Inter Pipeline Fund)
PPL (Pembina Pipeline)
DR (Medical Facilities Corp)


Read Answer Asked by JOSEPH on December 17, 2018
Q: Hi, most of my portfolio is trying to hang in with such a volatile market, but these two companies are killing me.
I see vet is now over 9% dividend which I like, but also know nothing good comes from it.
Is it time to raise the white flag to fossil fuels and go totally renewable, or would I probably be selling at the low?
I have to hand it to the environmentalist and protesters they are doing a great job against the oil companies.
Could you give me two of your favourites for renewables.
Read Answer Asked by Brad on December 13, 2018
Q: Can you provide me a list of several dividend stocks that are relatively recession-proof but still have decent yield and potential for long-term growth? I'd like to start investing a bit in dividend stocks a bit each month but am wary of the financial uncertainty that is hovering over us right now.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on December 04, 2018
Q: Due to 5 I's comments on management and the rising payout ratio I have sold my KWH.UN and plan to replace it with one of the following options. In a portfolio currently containing 16 stocks and ETF's. Going to replace it with either BEP.UN or NFI or both. Which would you suggest ? 2.75 % in each or 5.5 % in one ? I am leaning toward BEP'UN if one but would like 5I's opinion. I could also go 5.5 % in each as there is surplus cash. { 17% }
Read Answer Asked by Garth on December 04, 2018
Q: I want to add a renewables. I am stuff between aqn and bep. Both seem to be growing quite nicely. BEP has had more consistent returns. AQN had some serious trouble in 08 and I think it was down to around $2. If I am going to drip, does AQNs 5% discount play a factor here into your decision? I notice Scotia having AQN distribution rising slightly more rapidly than BEP into 2020, do you agree with this? What are key geographical / operational differences that would play an impact into long term growth?
Read Answer Asked by Jordan on December 03, 2018
Q: For income & some growth please rank the following in order of preference:
Read Answer Asked by Terry on December 03, 2018