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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, folks

What would be 2-3 picks to help diversify this portfolio?

Read Answer Asked by Robert on June 18, 2020
Q: What are your top 5 dividend stock ideas? Perhaps ones that haven't rebounded yet that have a good yield, or that have had recent results that showed resiliency and have room to run. For example, you have been been right in recommending BEP.UN, however, it has had a big run. Do you carte blanche keep recommending even after it's big run or is there a better relative buy?
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on June 01, 2020
Q: I have full positions in the above except KXS and REAL. For available cash is there a stock that you like and would consider adding to this portfolio .
Read Answer Asked by Roy on May 29, 2020
Q: Hello team,

I have the above companies in a TFSA. I have some cash. Could you recommend and rank three new positions as well as three existing positions to add to?

Thank you so much,
Read Answer Asked by Stefan on May 28, 2020
Q: Just trying to understand the short term effect on the market of the 10 million units in the secondary offering. I read that the underwriters committed to selling the shares for $48.85 USD. Does this mean selling in the open market or do they typically have buyers of big blocks lined up to soak up the units? I'm assuming that, if the units are to be sold in the open market, this will put a ceiling on the SP for quite a while since the 20 day avg volume of the US and Canadian markets is about 600,000 units.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on May 28, 2020
Q: Could you please explain what this means when a stock "does a secondary".
I am thinking that when a company/stock first goes public, they issue a certain amount of shares to raise money. Then, I am thinking that if they "do a secondary" - they issue more shares? So then the value of shares you have are less? Could you talk a bit about this.
Thanks so much for your help
Read Answer Asked by Margaret on May 27, 2020
Q: What do you think of Lincoln National? Is the dividend "safe", Do you see it moving back to a pre-Covid level, are there better choices.
And, what stocks do you see thriving in a low/negative environment?
Read Answer Asked by Kyle on May 22, 2020
Q: Hello Peter and co,
Thank you for your excellent advice. My grandson has opened a TFSA over the last few months, and now holds the following stocks (listed in order of value, largest first). He is in the enviable position of being up on every one of his positions, in part thanks to your wise advice (and some lucky timing)! With a bit of cash (~$2300) remaining to invest, he is looking for a recommendation, targeting growth and diversification.
He is considering these: LSPD, JPM, CAE, MDT, VET, PXT
But we would be more interested in hearing your advice, so please feel free to ignore the list above, and make a suggestion for 1 or 2 stocks to add.

Current stocks:
Read Answer Asked by Ed on May 20, 2020
Q: According to Reuters article, companies exercising ESG management are getting favourable attention from large investors. I expect some companies will attract a premium price for some time if they demonstrate ESG and advertise the fact. Could you list a half dozen of 5I favourites companies which are at least on the ESG narrow path to higher valuations.
Thank You for your service.
Read Answer Asked by Clarence on May 19, 2020
Q: Hi 5iTeam,
BField Renewable between late 2015 and early 2019 price wise didn't do much (the price actually dropped during this period of time). But starting in early 2019, its price started to climb and closed at record high in mid Feb 2020.
Would you please shed some lights on why BEP started to take off in early 2019 while having a negative return between 2015 and early 2019.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on May 15, 2020
Q: I OWN BEP.UN AND IT IS NOW 14% OF MY POTFOILIO when it was 10% i was going to sell but let it run. I know its not like csu but it has had a good run if people had sold csu when it reached 10% of there portfolio they would not have had the gains they did. So the question is when to sell. so is it time to sell and rebalance portfolio or let it ride. If i sell then what to replace it with still pays a decent dividend. I am a dividend investor.
Read Answer Asked by Ross on May 13, 2020
Q: Hi
I have held Emera for a few years in a TFSA (~2% of total portfolio). You seem to prefer other companies in the utilities sector. What is your preferred pick(s) for this sector and would you recommend switching out of EMA? I also have ~1.5% in ZUT. My other holding primarily consist of a split of broad market ETFs.

Read Answer Asked by Everett on May 06, 2020