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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am retired and so I spend a lot of time on business TV and online financial literature. It seems negative for 2023. Also, some popular securities BEP.UN - it has not had an up day in ages and ATZ has been range bound for the past 2 months. Today, FM is down 5% with no explanations on the sites I have checked as to why it is down 5%. Hopefully 5i can shed some light on my question. Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on December 12, 2022
Q: hi,
preface: this question is based on what I am seeing on globe investor data. I can't find a PE ratio on BEP-UN? I see negative EPS. I see a negative ROE?! and Debt/Equity around 5. yikes. can you please elucidate for those of us not fully informed on the financial issues with this stock? it is continually drifting lower, and is now back to levels 2.5 years ago. also, technically where do you think the downside risk level for the price is? cheers, chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on December 12, 2022
Q: Hi,

In considering my transfer from a Cash account to a TFSA for 2023, what 6 stocks would you prefer to have in a TFSA that are held in the income portfolio?
Read Answer Asked by Kelly on December 07, 2022
Q: Can you supply a few suggestions of dividend stocks that may be good to purchase during tax loss selling? Canadian and US if possible.
A few growth stocks would be a good balance to this question as well! Thanks, James
Read Answer Asked by JAMES on November 28, 2022
Q: What would be your top five income and growth investments for an rrsp
Read Answer Asked by Bill on November 24, 2022
Q: This is a question further to what has already been recently answered. I also own BIP.UN and BEP.UN. As we know, post spin-off there will be the new BAM, and BN. Which one of these two would best compliment my existing BIP.UN and BEP.UN positions as an add-on ?

Is it best to buy the current BAM.A now and sell the one unit, or does it make more sense to wait after the spin-off......or is too hard to call ?
Read Answer Asked by James on November 23, 2022
Q: I plan on journalling these stocks to my US account because the dividends are paid in $US. However, I am confused as to the appropriate listing name for BEP.UN on the NYSE as it appears to be the same as the one for BEPC, namely BEP. Is that correct?

Secondly, can you switch BEP.CA to BEP.UN:CA (or vice versa) in a non-registered account without the transaction being considered a disposition for tax purposes?

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.

Read Answer Asked by Paul on November 18, 2022
Q: What would be your top picks for dividend stocks that are trading currently at good discounts and have a great recovery potential-across all segments US and Canada? One group making 3.5% or higher; one group 2-3% but have more growth opportunity? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Pat on November 18, 2022
Q: Hello Peter,
Greenland Renewables results did not seem to be that bad, but during the rally, the stock either stayed the same or declined. Can you comment please? During market call, the manager indicated BEP does not provide good value and feels taking dividends out of cash flow (instead of net income) does not make sense (unless i misunderstood). Also, i plan to hold AQN for dividend for long term and was wondering if that makes sense given your posted comments. Finally, is knight an example of company where one should not rely on past performance of a CEO? Thanks very much
Read Answer Asked by umedali on November 16, 2022
Q: Hi 5i,

I currently own the above noted renewable energy utilities. I am thinking of selling AQN. If I did so, (and I would like to keep it in renewables) would you recommend putting the proceeds towards one of the above or something like NPI or possibly a renewable energy ETF. Could you recommend 1 to 3 ETFs?

Read Answer Asked by Brian on November 15, 2022
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and Team,

Would you consider Algonquin to essentially be an income stock in the near term? Having held it for some time now, and always 'hoping' for better results, we now find ourselves underwater. (Too bad we didn't sell yesterday!!) In the Utilities sector, we also hold BEP.UN (terrific gain, CPX (also underwater), and FTS (nice moderate gain). Once the dust settles, and we’re able to sell AQN, which of our other Utilities would you suggest to put the proceeds, or is there perhaps another Utility you’d recommend? Thanks as always for your timely advice.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on November 11, 2022
Q: What would be your top picks for Canadian large cap dividend paying stocks that are currently trading at a good entry point?
Read Answer Asked by Tara on November 10, 2022
Q: Can you please rank the above utilities for Value. I used EV/EBITA data from Yahoo Finance and got this: NPI (8), BIP.UN (11), FTS (12.7), BLX (13), BEP.UN (15), NEE (26), AQN (28)
Read Answer Asked by Grant on November 07, 2022
Q: I am planning to sell these names for tax-loss. Should I buy a replacement for each to protect against a turnaround in the next 30 days, or do you think I'm better off holding the cash for that period given the current outlook for equities. If you still recommend replacements can you offer a suggestion for each - or perhaps only for some? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Ben on October 20, 2022
Q: Hello,
Which of the Brookfield companies quality for the dividend tax credit?
Also, which Canadian dividend ETF’s also quality for the dividend tax credit you would recommend?
Thanks for your great service.
Read Answer Asked by David on October 19, 2022