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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have all three in a taxable account, both FSZ and CIX down quite a bit while IGM which I held for a long time with considerable gain. None of them is considerable weighting in my portfolio and I am contemplating between selling all and buying either SLF or MFC or consolidating them to only one. Reading answers to questions it appears that your preference is FSZ. But you also like SLF. I am looking for growth more than dividends, Any suggestions? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Saad on September 30, 2019
Q: I hold a number of shares of C.I.Financial (CIX) purchased many years ago -what is your opinion of the company - is it an add, hold or sell ?
I am also still holding Cineplex (CGX) do you see any prospects for this company's shares increasing in the near future or should I sell?
Thanks for your reply
Read Answer Asked by Hanna on July 15, 2019
Q: Hello,
Our financial weighting is still quite a bit higher than you suggest for a my plan is to sell our (underwater) CIX as well as one or two of our (positive) bank stocks. Appreciate your ranking and thoughts regarding our bank holdings noted above. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on May 08, 2019
Q: Hello,
Most of our Cdn equities are individual blue-chip dividend stocks and our US equities (25%) are mostly SPY. Those are doing ok I guess, though together only slightly better than our GIC's to be frank. Two of our holdings, which we've held for close to a decade, are still not good as noted below. When I asked about these before, I think you recommended continued patience as has our IA too. Your thoughts at this time please?
Holding Book Value Market Value DRIP
CIX $30k $16k Yes
MFR.UN $181k $154k ?

Read Answer Asked by Bill on March 19, 2019
Q: Seems like these active managers have been so out of favour that they now represent reasonable value. Some of the comments/questions recently have me thinking, I'm not so sure that the DIY investing model is for everyone. (No one could answer that better than 5i!) Since you have been on both sides of the investment industry do you believe that these firms will find their footing or do you think they are doomed?
Are these numbers correct?
AGF.B Yield 6.2% Payout Ratio 33% Debt 400M Market Cap 430M
CIX Yield 3.6% Payout Ratio 59% Debt 2.5B Market Cap 5B
GS Yield 9.14% Payout Ratio 81% Debt 50M Market Cap 350M

Would you please rate them based on total expected return(dividends and appreciation) over 3-5 years?


Read Answer Asked by Steve on November 20, 2018
Q: What is your outlook/opinion on CIX with it's reduced dividend? Will it ever be a $30 stock again?
On an Oct. 23 question, FSZ was mentioned as maybe a better option when looking for income in retirement, but FSZ has a large 6% yield currently. Would you also like MIC with a solid 4.5% yield and a recent 9% dividend increase announcement. (we are looking to stay in the financial sector, but not the big banks or insurco's - already have those covered. Thx. (multiple credits here..).
Read Answer Asked by Robert on November 06, 2018
Q: Hey guys,
I am a big believer in a healthy corporate culture being one of the keys to running a successful business long term. Having strong leadership, as well as a desire by employees to come to work and be proud of being part of the company, and a management team that is focused on the long term and not quarterly results or analyst expectations.
Do you know any canadian companies that meet or exceed this criteria?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Ryan on August 29, 2018
Q: Can you provide a list of companies that are significantly beaten down, oversold, ugly? I'm looking for ones with balance sheet assets, but it doesn't have to be perfect.
Read Answer Asked by Wayne on May 30, 2018
Q: I am fairly new at this and of the companies mentioned above I want to set up a Dividend portfolio using 3 to 4 of them. Suggestions would be very much appreciated as I am not well schooled in this area.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Ron on January 16, 2018