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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i,

In some jurisdictions in British Columbia all new homes being built cannot use gas for heating and cannot use gas appliances for cooking.

Also in BC there is a new program allowing low and middle income earners to replace their gas and oil furnaces with heat pumps for virtually no cost to the homeowner.

There seems to be a small but growing segment that is going in this direction. Are there any companies (Canadian or U.S. or even International)that specialize in heat pumps (manufacturing, installation, and/or maintenance) that you would recommend as an investment at this time?

Would Trane or Honeywell fit this description?

If there are any, could you please rank them in order of preference on a scale of 1 to 10?

Read Answer Asked by Brian on May 17, 2024
Q: May I have your thoughts about Carrier's acquisition of Viessmann Climate Solutions? I have been looking at HVAC investment opportunities in the UK & Europe and the only alternative is Trane. Which of those two are the more suitable investment at this time? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Marco on July 12, 2023
Q: I already own Honeywell and BAE Systems but want to increase and diversify my holdings in Industrials. I know you like ROP, but I am also looking at PAYX, MMM and EMR. I am tempted by MMM, because it is so beaten up and is quite different from my existing holdings, but I worry that it is beaten up for good reason. Could you rank these four industrials in terms of quality for a long term investment, taking into account their current valuations?
Read Answer Asked by David on June 05, 2023
Q: Looking forward, I would like to increase my Industrial sector holdings, especially in the US. Other than for aerospace, what are 5iR's suggestions for my consideration, for growth and good value at this time???......and me, leaning more to larger cap ones.......Thanks for the directional pointers........Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on December 12, 2022
Q: Dear Team,
These stocks are listed as 'comparables' in a Refinitiv report. I would appreciate your ranking as to capital structures and growth potential.
Thank you, Team!
Read Answer Asked by Sigrid on May 17, 2021