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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: First time poster here.
With the slight decline recently, which of these following companies do you guys like the most for a growth portfolio for the next 5-10 years? I have 150K to invest (consider this fun spending money and money to play with), and I want to know how much of the 150K would you guys invest in each of these companies separately? ie. 35k in CSU etc
(side note), the report card for TOI said it was valued at 10 billion when it was $60/share. But now it's $131/share and everywhere I read it says 5 billion market cap. Was this a typ-o?). Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Caleb on September 30, 2021
Q: All 3 are down today (Wednesday) when market is up. LSPD down a lot, no longer muted. Can you comment more on what's happening to LSPD and what outlook holds? Any adjustment in your opinion? As for SHOP, it's been flat to down for a while now. Any reason why? What is the compelling story behind it? Would you buy it now?
Read Answer Asked on September 30, 2021
Q: The markets pre-COVID were rising at a reasonable rate year to year, with the odd market downturn. Since March/April 2020 the markets have shot up and stocks are trading at much higher multiples than pre-COVID. Eventually, reality may kick-in. There are many companies trading at very high evaluations. If you look at the overall market (i.e. Nasdaq) you see an exponential growth curve for the past 18 months, definitely not sustainable and possibly overpriced.? I still buy stocks but sometimes feel that if the market turns around, it could be years for it to come back. (I am more concerned about companies such as SHOP, NVEI, TTD, LSPD, NVDA, TOI, UPST, ... all of which are great companies but if we overpay, payback could be much more than 5 years.) I thought same about Netflix, I was totally wrong and missed out on one of the biggest lifetime opportunities BUT there must be a point where the price is definitely too high. Are we overpaying? Will we regret this at some point? Your thoughts? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Walter on September 27, 2021
Q: My hold the following Canadian tech stocks: CSU, KXS, LSPD, ENGH, SHOP, and TOI. Based on your continued support of NVEI and DSG, I would like to add them as well. However, I would like to ensure diversification and so wish to avoid companies that are similar to those which I already own. So my question is, would owning these 8 companies provide me with a diverse mix of Canadian tech stocks?
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on September 24, 2021
Q: Good morning, 5 i team!

Your thought on a list of all your A graded companies covering almost all sectors for a TFSA account, equal weighted, long term hold. We will review periodically based on your report monthly.Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Nhung on September 24, 2021
Q: Looking for 3 companies to buy during a pull back, what companies do you suggest and at what price?
Read Answer Asked by Ziaad on September 21, 2021
Q: Hi,
I currently have these stocks in my TFSA CAD account. They are almost all equally weighted. Do you think there needs to be any adjustments?

I understand they are all growth stocks except ZSP. Is it a problem if I only have these growth stocks?

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Yongwei on September 20, 2021
Q: Hi,

I have a small amount of funds available to invest inside my TFSA. I already hold a small position of TOI (26 shares) and really like the company. I'm looking to either: add to the TOI position, or start a new position in NVEI or ASAN. They all seem quite pricey with current valuations (with NVEI and ASAN rising sharply in the past few days). Based on current valuation, which do you prefer for a minimum 5-year hold. Risk tolerance high.

Read Answer Asked by Robert on September 17, 2021
Q: Hello 5i Research
In your June report on Toi stock you pointed out that if Csu would sell their shares of Toi ,it would get hit very hard.My question is what is the likelihood that they would sell and when might they do that also why ?
Thanks as always for your great feedback.
Read Answer Asked by claudio on September 17, 2021
Q: Would you have a short list of 5 companies that should be on a watchlist for when (if) a 10% downturn comes before Christmas ?
Read Answer Asked by Linda on September 17, 2021
Q: Hi what are the chances that any of these names will be going to the capital markets and issue more stock?
They are all doing very well,so they might be tempting to issue more stocks.
How would you rate those for stock as a buy right now?
Read Answer Asked by Josh on September 16, 2021
Q: Balanced Equity Portfolio (Cdn & US Stocks): If 5i were just starting business today what 20 stocks would make up the portfolio?
Read Answer Asked by Keith on September 16, 2021
Q: Hi Folks,
In my non-registered account I hold: ATZ,NVDA,LSPD,TOI,KXS for growth and some blue chippers as well - I would like to add NVEI and possibly sell KXS or would you suggest I just add NVEI - is there more room for NVEI to grow in price
Read Answer Asked by JOHN on September 15, 2021
Q: We have decided to increase positions in ATA, CSU and GSY in a non-registered account, as well as start positions in ATZ, FSV, GDI, WELL, TOI and LSPD in a TSFA. All purchases will be made with the intent to be long-term holds (10+ years).

Please suggest entry points for each of the companies. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Peter on September 13, 2021
Q: Hello, I'm looking to add a small position ($2k) to my TFSA. Risk tolerance is high and time horizon is minimum 4-5 years. Of the listed stocks, which do you think has better prospects of growth (i.e. still decent runway ahead)? Do you have a favourite from this list & is it a good time to buy or would you recommend waiting until the markets cools a bit?

Read Answer Asked by Robert on September 13, 2021
Q: What grade would you give Converge Technology Solutions? How would you rank the stocks above at current valuation to buy right now? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ben on September 09, 2021
Q: Hi There,
My son (15) would like to take a small position in two growth stocks.
He is considering LSPD, NVEI, TOI.
With the recent run up in all three of these stocks, which two do you think look the best today?
Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on September 08, 2021