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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: The above holdings are in my TFSA for long term growth. Looking to add another stock to the account. Can you share a few that would be good additions for long term growth. If adding to an existing names make makes sense; open to that as well as none of these are a full position.
Read Answer Asked by Sal on April 13, 2023
Q: I have small positions in Chorus Aviation, North West Health Care, Lightspeed and Topicus; I'm down in all - and wondering how much patience is warranted - and considering Nuvei. Could you rate these in terms of possible upside and when one might expect this?

Read Answer Asked by Valerie on April 12, 2023
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and Team,

A 5i member (Rajeev) stated in a recent question that he had an overweight core ownership of Constellation Software. We agree with you about the benefits of keeping the "free" TOI and LMN shares we received from these CSU spinoffs. However, does your answer imply that since we are presently overweight in Technology (largely because of CSU) should we consider reducing exposure to CSU? This would be a very hard thing to do, so it's a dilemma, to say the least!

As always, thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on April 12, 2023
Q: Hi, What % of TOI and LMN common shares are owned by CSU ( including any preferred or other class to be converted to common, in future ). Also, what % of market capitalization of CSU, the two companies make up, respectively, based on current values. I guess, what we are trying to assess is that, to what extent and why it makes sense to own TOI and LMN shares, while already having an overweight core ownership of Constellation Software. Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on April 11, 2023
Q: I have 3 positions at a total equity weight below 0.5%. Which one I should consider selling or increasing position size?

TOI (Size 0.39%, small profit)
MG (Size 0.41%, small loss)
GSY Size 0.54%, substantial loss)

This is in a well-diversified portfolio.

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Hali on April 03, 2023
Q: 1. When CSU spun out TOI, it was considered a “mini European CSU”. What would consider the recent spinout of LMN i.e., a “mini xxxxx CSU”? If applicable.

2. I am thinking of unloading LSPD from my RRSP at a significant loss. Where would you suggest the funds go? I am thinking either SHOP or LMN or is that just setting up a double whammy? if yes, alternatives please.

Thanks as usual.
Read Answer Asked by Danny-boy on March 28, 2023
Q: Please suggest a buy, hold or sell on the following based on the idea that the markets may not yet have found bottom, and these are likely to sink lower in price before a markets turn around: TSU, NVDA, ROKU, TOI, NVEE, CRWD. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Kim on March 27, 2023
Q: Hi 5
2 questions (please use required credits)
1) For the stock list above would you please suggest a HOLD SELL BUY.

2) I would like to consolidate all of the above stocks into: NVDA GOOGLE and
MSFT for a 2 years hold, I understand the stocks are good ones , but I'm only looking at a faster recovery. Would you be om with it.


Read Answer Asked by Fernando on March 22, 2023
Q: When Lumine starts trading later this month, I will want to add to the shares that I will receive by virtue of my CSU holding. Is it your expectation that there will initially be some selling pressure and hence price weakness as investors who do not see Lumine as a core holding, sell the shares that they received? Also as was the case with Topicus, can I assume that an additional source of selling will be index funds who will be forced to sell their shares?
In your opinion, when will be the optimal time to acquire additional shares - immediately after they start trading, or gradually over the following weeks?...thanks...Glenn
Read Answer Asked by Glenn on March 20, 2023
Q: My Tech holdings are getting too high, thanks to your good advice. Would you please provide your current ranking of the stocks listed? I've included GOOGL, even though I believe you place it in the comm/serv sector.
Read Answer Asked by Jim on March 16, 2023
Q: I plan to top up 1 or 2 existing positions in my TFSA. What would be your 1st choice out of these 3 companies today based on 5 year growth prospects? 2nd choice? All 3 of these are long term holds for me. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Barbara on March 01, 2023
Q: In my TFSA, these are the stocks I would "like" to buy (CDR, NEO), probably in the order I have listed them, unless you have a suggestion: GOOG, NVDA, MSFT, AMZN, AAPL. But I will need to sell some positions to raise the cash to do so. These are my options to sell, probably in the order I have listed them, unless you have suggestions: EGLX, LSPD, TOI, NVEI, ATS. The goal is growth over a very long period (TFSA will go to my children). I am open to eliminating any from the buy list in order to keep any from the sell list. I just don't know how to compare the American names to the Canadian names. Thank you: I realize this may not be an easy question to answer, but it will help me a great deal.
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on February 17, 2023