Q: All three companies reported yesterday. Can you review results for each with special attention to any strengths/weaknesses? Any surprises? Outlook for stock performance going forward? How strong is 5i's conviction in each (rate out of 10).
Q: I plan to reluctantly trim CSU from 15% down to 10%. I have sufficient LMN, TOI and WSP. Can you give me 3 growth stocks to consider for my TFSA with the CSU proceeds? I tend to be a long term investor with not many trades.
Q: Helping my young son with his TFSA; we bought CLS in late October based on your positive comments and recently sold enough shares near the high to get back his original investment. Now considering either TOI or LMN. Which stock would you choose and why? I'm favoring LMN but worried about the negative momentum at the moment. Thanks!
Q: Hi Team,
I currently hold fairly high positions of both LMN and TOI. I invested in these positions as opposed to CSU on the view that they would provide more growth over the long term as they are essentially smaller companies, under CSU guidance and play book. Would you agree with this strategy? Assuming I continue to hold both is there still a need to purchase CSU or would holding a mix of LMN and TOI be sufficient exposure for maximum growth within the family?
Q: Hi 5i Team - Constellation Software is a company that has never issued shares beyond their initial IPO. I'm pretty sure this applies to LMN and TOI as well but could you confirm. In all three, is there any possibility of them issuing more shares in the future.
Also could you name a few other companies that have never issued shares, Canadian, U.S., any size market cap, any sector.
Q: With Today's announcement, Topicus.com made a deal to acquire additional shares and will now own 24.84% of issued share capital of Asseco Poland (subject to regulatory approvals) for a total cost of US$438 Mln.
Asseco operates with a similar model as Topicus and primarily targets the healthcare, financial services and public institutions verticals, as well as the energy and telecommunications verticals.
Topicus has also committed to not increasing its stake beyond a maximum of 27.96%.
1. What are your thoughts on this investment/acquisition towards adding long term value and ROC to Topicus shareholders ?
2. Being a large acquisition, how do you believe, Topicus will finance it - from existing cash or there is a possibility of a rights issue of some nature ?
I am heavily invested in stocks and want to raise cash, putting more money into bonds. I have about 10% in Canadian oil and gas, 5% gold stocks, and about 13% in uranium stocks. I am going to hold my gold and uranium.
What allocation would you suggest for a retiree in terms of portfolio holdings of gas and oil?
I am concerned about the possible coming tarriffs and the effect on the Canadian ecomomy. Most of my holdings are Canadian. A lot of these are in dividend stocks. I have held them through the past few years but I do need to increase the allocation to conservative investments. I plan to reduce most by about 20% or consider outright sells. I currently prefer to reduce downside risk than worry about the upside.
Can you help me decide from the viewpoint of possible tarriffs and effect on the Canadian economy which are at risk the most. Could you class these as hold, reduce or sell. I will hold all my U.S. stocks which are about 15% of my portfolio and haven't listed those here.
Q: Good day and happy New Year to all the 5i staff. This is my first, and hopefully last multi stock question.
I am really beginning to take Trump seriously about tariffs. His reasons don’t hold up, but I believe he has unstated reasons of his own for wanting to do so. I don’t usually jump quickly but I have a bad feeling and am thinking of selling some Canadian holdings and buying US. I am wondering what you would think of this?
Even if my fear is justified, though, some of the stocks I am considering may do well under Trump’s regime, anyway. The above stocks are the ones i am considering and i would appreciate your views on whether they might do alright under Tariffs? Any other Canadian stocks you might think will react particularly badly?
Thanks for your great service
Q: Hello 5i
I currently own CSU LMN TOI SHOP VHI (which I consider tech'ish).
Do you see a compelling reason to add any of the other tech holding from the 5i balanced or growth portfolios? Would you avoid the concentration of the CSU family in favour of others?