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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Portfolio Cleanup Part 6:
I'm embarrassed to admit that I am down 50% or more (!) on the above.......
Are there any with good rebound potential that are worth holding on to? Can you provide a short reason why for each. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Charles on September 19, 2024
Q: How would you rank the named companies for inclusion in a balanced portfolio today? Would the rankings shift for a growth portfolio?
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on February 26, 2024
Q: Are there alternatives to MITK and BKNG that you feel would be better to have in a portfolio today?
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on February 26, 2024
Q: These stocks are my US non registered portfolio, and are all at a loss, to varying degrees. Which stocks would you hold, which ones to sell, and what would you replace them with? Any sector, moderate risk
Read Answer Asked by Linda on January 31, 2024
Q: I've got these laggards in a TFSA or RRSP, down between 15-36%! I want to dump a bunch (all?) as I feel I've given them enough time to perform and they haven't. Does 5i see catalysts in the next 12 months for any of these that i should keep some?

In which order would you drop them.
Read Answer Asked by Cameron on January 11, 2024
Q: I understand that information technology stocks maybe "cyclical". Like for example, TTD may be more cyclical because it leans into communication for retail stocks. But for many, I'm having a difficult time deciding whether the above stocks are heavily, moderately or lightly cyclical. Please let me know how you would rate them for these 3 categories. Thanks for the help and please deduct credit that you consider is right for the work needed to answer my question.........Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on October 13, 2023
Q: I read with interest your recent response about high risk stocks for conservative investors. Me, becoming more a conservative investor (as I enter my 80's but still like growth....hahahaha). With that in mind would you consider the following stocks high risk - LSPD, MX, JWEL, and in the US, MITK, PINS, PYPL, SQ, DLTR, DOCU....Thanks for your take.........Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on August 24, 2023
Q: Any update on this one? I see 5 analysts all with strong buy and a $17 USD price target, representing pretty good upside. I've owned it long enough to be down 36% and while I like it, there does seem to be a lot of other fish in the proverbial sea these days where my $ might be better.

If I hold, how much longer do I give them?
Read Answer Asked by Cameron on July 31, 2023
Q: Good morning,

In this group can you tell me which one to keep, to hold, to sell and add at this moment.

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Martin on May 18, 2023
Q: I hold the following in loss positions and need to raise some money and sell 2 of these dogs. In the past I have sold my winners hoping for recovery on the losers but I am trying to fight the psychology of that tendency. Could you rank these in with the 1st ranked being the highest conviction sell. Also, if inclined perhaps you could comment and provide your perspective on this most annoying human trait. John
Read Answer Asked by John on April 28, 2023
Q: Good Morning 5i,

We have an opening in two of our accounts.
For a 1% flyer which would you recommend: MITK or SNOW?
For a 1/2 position in our TFSA: GOOS or ATZ

Thank you
Debbie and Jerry
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on April 14, 2023
Q: Over the past two years with the downturn of the market, I am down significantly with majority of these holdings in various accounts. I have a long-term 10+ year outlook, so looking to see if you feel any of these can be sold off given the outlook, management of the company? If so, what are your recommendations for a growth investor in either CAD/US stock options?

Read Answer Asked by Andrew on January 04, 2023