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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: With the oil and gas stocks getting hit in recent days, I am considering taking a position in one dividend paying company once things appear to have settled a bit (as if I know). I have been looking at TPZ as a NG position or WCP for oil. Of these two, do you have a preference, based on company fundamentals combined with the commodity potential (ie NG or oil)?
Read Answer Asked by grant on September 10, 2024
Q: What are your thoughts on owning this etf which would provide exposure to a number of renewables versus owning one, say BEP.UN.

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by david on August 01, 2024
Q: Good morning all;

I currently own 4 energy infrastructure firms in tax sheltered accounts; amounting to 7% weighting in my portfolio. As part of an overall portfolio review i've concluded I'd like to get that down to 2; for a combination dividends and growth. My question is - which would be your preferred 2 with these parameters.

Thanks as always.


Read Answer Asked by Dave on May 03, 2024
Q: What is your current view on TPZ over the next 12-15 months?
Research that I have seen seems to indicate positive growth expectations over the next year but I am not convinced that the markets are viewing the company in the same way. I own the shares, being down slightly, and I am debating whether to continue holding the shares or to sell? Your thoughts please. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by John on February 05, 2024
Q: I own these energy stocks and some are on the plus side and others are on the losing side. I've been waiting for quite some time for the Chinese economy to take off, but it seems to go nowhere ? I would like to trim some of my holdings. Please place them in order of what you would keep down to some you would let go. Maybe you could code them as 10 being the best and 1 as being the worst. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Frank on January 30, 2024
Q: I would like to have a look ahead on both companies.Would TOU look at selling TPZ if the price was right and how would that affect TOU revenues and Dividend or would they sell both TOU. & Tpz if price was right.Mr Rose has already sold. Companies before.I understandTOU has some long term contracts. What does 5i crystal ball foresee in the future,s .Maybe some rich US company flush with cash look at them or would it be expensive for them. I enjoy the dividends,take your time I have many points to redem

Read Answer Asked by Guy on April 18, 2023
Q: Good Morning
I woud appreciate it if you could provide me with Credit Ratings for the following companies as I have been unable to find the information. Maybe your Bloomberg will help me.
Do you consider the credit Rating to be a very important metric by which one can judge the safety of a company and of it's dividend?
Thank you............ Paul W. K.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on November 23, 2022
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan and 5i team,

You answered Maureen's question about TOU and TPZ as follows:

"We like both, but would consider TOU more of a growth story and TPZ more for income. We would be comfortable with a swap if that matches an investors' objectives."

How would you answer if WCP was the stock I'm considering to sell (not TPZ) in order to buy more TOU? (I realize that WCP is more of a growth story, but it's quite a bit more volatile than TOU.)

Thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on July 20, 2022