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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i Team, I would like to reduce my financial sector holdings from the current 19% to 15% or less, mostly as a defensive move against the potential of a sector "down-draft". Currently hold POW-2.0%, IFC-3.0%, MFC-2.5%, and BNS,TD,and RY at 3.5% each. I am leaning towards eliminating POW and trimming each of the banks to get to the target (income from POW is great but also the only one I am underwater on and I'm not a huge fan of income at the expense of loss of capital), but I also know you don't feel the need to necessarily hold 3 banks so could just sell RY and call it quits. Trading fees not a consideration. Would appreciate your thoughts as always,

Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on June 06, 2017
Q: Good morning Peter,would you please list these 4 stocks in preference order .Thank you !
Read Answer Asked by Sunny on November 17, 2016
Q: Good morning,

I own GWO and IFC for an aggregate position of about 3.5% in my portfolio. What do you recommend as a guideline allocation for "insurance" in one's portfolio?
If I'm low at 3.5%, would you recommend I add to my existing holdings or initiate a position in Sun Life?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Robert on July 08, 2016
Q: What kind of long term dividend growth would you expect from this company? Can they keep up the historic 8% annually for the next ten years or is this asking too much. Their company presentation claims that they have a naturally higher ROE than other insurers. They do not seem to be aggressive investing their float like Fairfax is. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on April 25, 2016
Q: "We’re increasingly of the view that quarterly earnings are mostly noise,” she (Eileen Mercier, director at IFC) said. “I tend to think of the income statement in most industries as a work of fiction. It has become so complicated that most people can’t understand them or read them anyway.”

If we de-emphasize the importance of the quarterly report, in part because it is unaudited and therefore open to manipulation, should we therefore pay far more attention to the audited annual report, especially the MD&A section?

I know that 5i looks at the quarterly numbers partly because so many questions come from subscribers on assessing reported and expected numbers. What I'm curious about in the 5i process is what percentage of the company research process is put into analyzing the annual reports of say the last 5 years of an average company?

The whole article on quarterly reporting is here:
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on June 15, 2015