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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello
I have observed that insurance rates are growing up by a step above general inflation. Which public companies in Canada are the most involved with property, and casualty insurance, and where this is their main business. I think there are a couple years of healthy returns where all premiums go up in unison. What is your best picksÉ
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by francois on February 11, 2020
Q: I have some extra money to put to work and am looking at a 3 to 5 year time frame. From a total return prospective, please rank the above companies. Please add any helpful comments.
Much appreciated as usual. RAM
Read Answer Asked by Ray on January 28, 2020
Q: I have POW in my TFSA and though it lacks any growth the dividend yield is ok. Wondering if I should think about a switch to IFC to get a bit more growth, though that will reduce the dividend.

(I am recently retired; no DB plan but hopefully more than sufficient assets to see me through to a ripe old age.)
Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 21, 2019
Q: Hi Team, In our total household portfolio, in the financial sector we hold, BAM.A, TD, V, RY, SLF. Looking at adding another financial to balance out our sectors. Which has a better growth profile between GoEasy and Intact Financial, which would you recommend of the 2. Would there be another name you would prefer? I Thank-you in advance. Sam
Read Answer Asked by sam on October 28, 2019
Q: Hi, it appears self driving cars are going to be on the streets much sooner than anyone thought a short while ago. Meanwhile technological improvements have the potential to greatly reduce the frequency of accidents and eventually may eliminate them altogether, perhaps reducing the need for insurance or significantly reducing premiums or coverages? What impact might this have on major auto insurer like IFC? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on January 21, 2018