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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Please rank the following in terms of your preference for a new buy now in a dividend focused portfolio: MFC, SLF, IFC, POW, PRU
Read Answer Asked by Serei on October 01, 2021
Q: To my knowledge both of these companies are in the specialty insurance business. Given that TSU is wholly owned by BAM.A (3.5% of my overall holdings; overlap concerns?), which do you prefer for a conservative investor and why. What would be their outlook considering an post-COVID opening world and over the next 5 yrs? Is there another name you prefer more in this specialty space?

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by David C. on June 15, 2021
Q: I see IFC has issued a subordinated Note which acts like a rate-reset preferred. It has an 80 year maturity with resets every 5 years based on the 5 year GOC. Is there a movement away from preferred shares as a source of capital or is this just another alternative? Put another way, should I as an investor include these notes in my toolbox for future capital allocations?
Read Answer Asked by Greg on April 01, 2021
Q: Andrew on Jan. 19 asked about over the counter stocks in a TFSA. I recently did this calling iTrade (1 1/2 hour wait time) about IFC being moved to the US side - IFCZ - otc (same company) and the broker said since it is a Canadian stock I could hold it in a TFSA and it would fine -- which I did do. Shortly will sell it and acquire US cash.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on January 21, 2021
Q: Hello 5i Team
Comparing Fairfax Financial and Intact Financial, both in the Property & Casualty Insurance sub-industry (TMX data), which is the better choice? FFH seems to always in the news about its other investments rather than its insurance business, whereas IFC appears to be solid in its insurance operations
According to a recent Globe & Mail article, IFC could be a potential acquirer of smaller P&C insurance companies, would this also apply to FFH or is FFH more interested in its other investments?
Trisura Group is listed as Specialty Insurance sector. Is it comparable to FFH and IFC, noting its market capitalization is only $380M compared to $12B / $18B for FFH/IFC?
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on June 18, 2020
Q: Which of these insurance companies would you buy today? Five year hold.
Read Answer Asked by Lawrence on May 29, 2020