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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter,

I am very pleased with your service. Exceeded my "high" expectations.

My question is to do with Constellation Software (CSU-T)

My favorite company is computer modeling (CMG-T). It is also in the tech space. I have seen CMG split several times, I think in the $30 area and at 2 for 1, providing the lure of affordability to potential buyers. CSU-T is over $100, which I think can be a psychological barrier to some folks. You have just rated CSU an "A." How strong to you see the potential for CSU to split. Would that increase your rating for the equity ? (I know "A" is kinda scratching the ceiling.)

Thanks Peter,
Read Answer Asked by Jim on October 02, 2012