Q: Any change in your opinion of CVE since July 31, 2013?
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: Morning Team 5i. Could you please give me your opinions regarding the future for Cenovus. Is is currently a buy, sell or hold?
Q: Is Cenovus Energy (CVE) a worthwhile long term investment?
Q: Hi Peter:
My main Canadian Oil holding is Cenovus (CVE). Are there other's you like better, or because of price differentials would you recommend moving to the US for an Exxon or Chevron?
If Keystone is approved our optimism would improve,however this is likely a long shot.
Thank you for your good work (fabulous)
My main Canadian Oil holding is Cenovus (CVE). Are there other's you like better, or because of price differentials would you recommend moving to the US for an Exxon or Chevron?
If Keystone is approved our optimism would improve,however this is likely a long shot.
Thank you for your good work (fabulous)
Q: Peter; Yur last comment on CVE was in October. What do you think of it at these levels? Thanks. Rod
Q: Hello,
What is your oppinion of Cenovus - CVE? Thank you for your answer & the great work.
What is your oppinion of Cenovus - CVE? Thank you for your answer & the great work.