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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: There are times when I wonder about continuous disclosure rules and adherence to them. At the open on Friday, CP traded down sharply on much higher than average volumes. Over the weekend a major announcement. KSU did not trade up much on price during Friday but experienced higher than average trading volumes. Should a retail investor care or is their an issue here? Do the regulators watch this type of activity surrounding a major announcement?
Read Answer Asked by Greg on March 23, 2021
Q: I was contemplating CP for a month now as a mid risk reopening play for my non reg account, also since pipelines are under attack & on 5i's comments on the company. Saturday 11PM, I see their offer for a huge acquisition. My question: What does one do if still interested in the company and how would one proceed? Would you step in right away or would you let the story run and then see what happens considering they just entered negotiations and I guess an approval process by regulators of different countries?
Thank you for your help!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 22, 2021
Q: Based on Keystone XL decision, more crude will most likely be shipped by rail. US refineries need Canadian crude oil caused by shortfall from South America. Gibson plans to build facility to maximize crude content of rail shipments.
With footprint of tracks being different, who stands to benefit the most and why?
Read Answer Asked by Sherrill on February 26, 2021
Q: Looking for a transportation play. These are the 3 that come to mind. 1) Am I too late to get in for economy opening play 2) which would be highest growth potential 3) is there a disruptor or smaller more leveraged play that you can suggest.
Read Answer Asked by Todd on February 22, 2021
Q: Hi 5i,

First of all, thanks for your advise to help me understand more for the US & Canadian stock markets. I have a feeling that the US market will end the over 10 years bull market soon and bear market will come in. Due to the issue of GME, BB, NOK, and AMC showing many "NEW" investors involve the US and Canadian market (because of the BB), specially the Reddit social media investor forums is not healthy. I guess the Canadian market may also affected, due to the BB issue. Just in case the bear market will come, what the above stocks need to be sold to play safe. I am thinking to sell KXS, LSPD, and NVEI, those stock prices may not be survival during the big drop in coming. Do you have the same feeling that the bear market will come? Can you please rank the above stocks able to survival during the bear market and please suggest to take off any just in case the worst worst things really happen.
Read Answer Asked by ma on January 29, 2021
Q: My portfolio doesn't have any coverage in the transportation sector. What stocks/etf's would you recommend in this area.

Read Answer Asked by Rick on January 25, 2021
Q: My 18-year-old daughter is interested in the stock market and wants to understand the value of owning stocks. She is looking to follow 6 stocks. She has some post-secondary aspirations for next year and would like your suggestions on 3 stable and 3 growth-oriented companies that you would buy today. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by kevin on December 21, 2020
Q: My parents (late 70's) will be receiving proceeds from the sale of a US asset and are looking to add to their existing investment portfolio (an additional 25%) . They are financially stable with a long term balanced portfolio and are interested in allocating the new cash into quality, long term positions with growth potential. US, Canada and industry non specific. What would you recommend as your top 5 US and Canadian positions and why?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on November 23, 2020