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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i Team,

I am looking to create a dividend portfolio of 15 positions yielding around 6%. My plan is to weigh these positions equally in a non-registered account. A good number of these equities are in your income portfolio but I just wanted to get your opinion if you would swap any of these out or add anything else?

Acadian Timber
Fiera Capital

Thanks in advance for your help!
Read Answer Asked by David on June 14, 2023
Q: Retired dividend-income investor. We hold AQN in my wife's RRSP...held it since 2011...bought it at $5.60 and trimmed it several times over the years.

I am debating whether to flush it and take the proceeds and buy ZUT. I also own FTS, TRP and other utility-energy equities contained within ZLB and CDZ.

For the "keep AQN" argument = a) good momentum YTD = +27%, b) great chart, especially with the 50 mda overlay, c) if there is a take-over of AQN, there is a probable premium of "who knows "% (30%?).

For the "flush AQN" argument = a) with other planned cash injections throughout 2023, this would improve my overall sector allocations, b) minor point, but it would simplify my portfolio, by the elimination of a holding (I hold a reasonably concentrated portfolio of 12 blue chip stocks and 10 ETF's, plus fixed income), c) I thought I read that AQN is not expected to have a high rate of growth this year, d) the holdings inside ZUT look appealing, containing both renewable and non-renewable.

I am ok letting it ride for a while longer, but also ok flushing it. Your thoughts? Am I missing anything? I know you can't compare a single stock to a diversified ETF.

Thanks for your help...much appreciated...Steve

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on June 05, 2023
Q: Good morning team,
Could you please give your take on these holdings .. keepers or let go? With the exception of TECK, I am down with the rest. Although they are good companies, they don't seem to have +ve momentum ..
I appreciate your thoughts ?
Read Answer Asked by Carlo on May 30, 2023
Q: 1. Do you recommend purchasing these stocks now, and why pls? 2. How much could TRP price drop if the behind schedule Coastal Gaslink project takes even longer to complete?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on May 29, 2023
Q: I have been fortunate to come into a windfall of cash from a relative, and I am interested in taking new positions in the following securities with this new cash. Please note, my existing portfolio is fairly well diversified across all sectors in North America.

Can I please get your long-term opinion on these new securities I wish to invest in. Do you see any issues with respect to these investment choices? I have money to invest and feel the urge to plunge into the market at this time.



Read Answer Asked by George on April 20, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
I have 3 different questions- please deduct accordingly.
1.) Since March 24 KEY (+12.46%) has outperformed each of ENB (+6.21%), TRP (+8.75) and PPL (+8.06%) by fairly substantial margins. I know that's a short time frame, but can you offer an explanation for KEY's better performance, and would you expect it to continue to lead the others over the next year?
2.) GSY is at or close to its lowest level since January 2021 - do you think the relevant company, sector and economy related bad news is now priced in and expect it to recover to the $150 range over 12 - 18 months, or do you think that's a pipe dream, and why or why not?
3.) In your opinion is ET likely to recover to at least the $14.00 level (where I bought it some time ago) this calendar year - and why or why not.

Read Answer Asked by Peter on April 18, 2023
Q: Previous question to 5i: What will be the effect on TC Energy if Coastal GasLink project price increases bya further $1.2B?
Previous 5i answer: "he noted increase would be about +10% to the current estimates. At this point, we think investors are expecting the worst and we doubt the share impact on such news would be too dramatic, perhaps 3% to 4% down."

What does 5i mean pls by "he noted increase would be about +10% to the current estimates"?

Thank you. Ron L
Read Answer Asked by Ron on April 10, 2023
Q: If a series of events were to occur that would cause the long end of the yield curve to spike to 10%, how does this affect highly indebted companies such as ENB, TRP and BEP.UN ? What measures can they take to avoid bankruptcy in that scenario, and what would be your level of confidence that they could ?

As a 2nd part to this question, what are your top 5 Canadian dividend-paying stocks that would have balance sheets that one would not necessarily need to be concerned about ? i.e. durability under the above situation.
Read Answer Asked by James on March 30, 2023
Q: I have held TRP for a long time recommended by all analysts who cover it. I do understand that pipelines are rarely to be added in the future and TRP is a huge owner operator in N.A. They also manage to increase dividend (now @7%) every year. It's payout is in excess of 500%. Can you explain how TRP is so overrated with such a poor payout ratio?
Read Answer Asked by Ritwik on March 29, 2023
Q: I own the above pipeline stocks in various accounts. In my flee to safety and dividends, I am now overweight in this sector. Could you please rank the above securities and which security you would hold or sell.

Read Answer Asked by David on March 28, 2023
Q: I'm considering adding PPL to my portfolio and just went through their website. I found the mix of Oil vs Nat Gas vs LNG very easily...Oil = 40%, NG = 25%, LNG = 35%.

For comparative purposes, I went through TRP and ENB websites = not so easy to pull out the same data breakdown. Can you help...thanks...Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on March 24, 2023
Q: I am looking at reconfiguring my newly established RRIF into the above equities with the 3 etf’s being 25% each with the remaining 5 stocks being the remaining 25%. What is your opinion of these stocks and portfolio composition? Am I being too cute ? Thanks. Derek.
Read Answer Asked by Derek on March 23, 2023
Q: Retired, dividend-income investor. I hold AQN in my RRSP, bought it in 2011 at $5.60 (not a typo) and have trimmed it multiple times due to asset allocation. Not that it matters, but I am still up 15% over my ACB.

Looking forward is what really matters. AQN is up roughly 20% from it's low of around $9/share. Q#1 = Do you think AQN can continue their short term performance?

I hold AQN, FTS, TRP, NNRG, NRGI, and utility-energy stocks held within CDZ, ZLB, ZWC. Q#2 = What conservative utility or infrastructure stocks should I consider that might "fill the gap" in my current holdings? Please list 4-6 stocks for me to do further research on.

Q#3 = Should a component of "renewables" be a consideration? That was one of the reasons for holding AQN. Ideas?

So the bottom line is = what's done is done. AQN appears to be starting to recover and there is always the chance of being bought out.
1. Hold of sell,
2. Replace with what,
3. Include renewables?

Thanks for your help....Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on March 22, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
TRP executive team members seem to have little direct ownership in the stock but a significant amount of out of the money options for compensation. It looks like CEO bought stock on recently but do you think the executive team has much skin in the game? Can I get your high level thoughts on whether this might be a high quality income stock as well as a good entry price?
Read Answer Asked by Ian on March 16, 2023
Q: I have owned these stocks in my non-registered account for 12 years except ETF IGM, T, CTC.A (bought 2 yr ago - up a fair bit). T bought 5 years or so ago. GSY, MFC & GRT.UN a year ago - all 3 up nicely. I buy dividend growers for the most part. I have been retired for quite a while - so, more interested in dividend growth. Large portfolio with banks 40% of total. Do not worry about market downturns: add to positions when they go on sale -08/09 and 2020. Sitting on cash and looking to add to these positions . Do not own ENF.CA - typo. Suggestions?? IFC 5-6 years up 220% including dividends.
Read Answer Asked by James on March 10, 2023
Q: Robert Gill of Goodreid Investment Counsel had a bullish opinion on TC Energy in today's Globe. Recent opinions on TRP from 5i are less bullish. Do Gill's opinion or numbers do anything to change your opinion? ENB is my long term hold in the sector,  TRP would be a 'clip the coupon  while awaiting some reversion to mean on the share price' type holding.  
A related question: With these high debt utility type stocks, how great are the risks we go into multi year period of higher interest rates? 
Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on March 06, 2023