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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Greetings. I'm considering some fall cleaning and would value your opinion on each of these (currently underwater) listed stocks. Hold or toss over the side and go trolling for more profitable opportunities? Thanks for your response.
Read Answer Asked by Stefan on October 23, 2024
Q: Notwithstanding the capital gains tax implications, would you kindly rank the above GAS and OIL stocks in order of PREFERENCE and SECTOR (Gas stocks and Oil stocks) to continue holding for the long term and to help me decide on which stock to sell in order to raise cash for an upcoming major purchase. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on October 15, 2024
Q: I thought I sent you a question about HWX a few days ago, but I've received no reply. So, I'll try again

How is it possible (or fair) that HWX is having a private placement at 22 cents per share, when the stock is over $^. Isn't that very dilutive for present shareholders? See part of NR below

Vancouver, British Columbia, September 17, 2024 - TheNewswire: Headwater Gold Inc. (CSE: HWG) (OTCQB: HWAUF) (the "Company" or "Headwater") is pleased to announce that, further to its news release of September 9, 2024, the Company has completed a non-brokered private placement to raise gross proceeds of $1,540,000 through the sale of 7,000,000 common shares of the Company priced at $0.22 per share to Centerra Gold Inc. ("Centerra").

Read Answer Asked by arnold on September 23, 2024
Q: Good morning,

I currently own a number of different energy stocks of which most are in the OIL sector. In this current investment environment, the Gas sector seems to offer a better risk reward ratio and I would like to better balance my Oil/Gas stock split.

Question 1. Do you agree that Natural Gas stocks currently offer a better potential return than OIL stocks over the next few years?

Question 2. If so, which of the these OIL stocks would you replace with Natural Gas stocks?

Question 3. Which Natural Gas stocks are currently your best ideas?

Thank you for your sage advice.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on June 13, 2024
Q: I currently own each of these oil & gas industry stocks. Are they well positioned for any potential consolidation/takeover activity that is rumored to occur as a followup from the XOM Pioneer story? Which firms are best positioned for takeover/merger/consolidation?
Read Answer Asked by David on October 11, 2023
Q: Inevitably, when someone asks about the best NG companies in Canada, TOU and ARX are normally in the mix. So setting those two aside, I would appreciate your opinion on three other stocks in that sector that don't receive nearly as much attention. The stocks in question are Headwater Exploration, Spartan Delta and Pine Cliff Energy.

Thanks as always
Read Answer Asked by karl on April 26, 2023
Q: Good morning 5i team!

May I please get your thoughts on ERF. I've held it for a while and have done well. I'm concidering rotating out of this name and shifting to either WCP, HWX or TVE all of which have better dividends and could run harder if oil catches a bid (as many oil bulls are expecting). Do you prefer any of these name over the others....or, stay the course. Thoughts?


Read Answer Asked by David on January 23, 2023
Q: what are the current annual percentages of dividend, debt and free cash flow yield for each of these companies. use as many question credits as needed
Read Answer Asked by hal on September 06, 2022
Q: What would be your order of preference between Baytex, Headwater, Tamarack, Nuvista, and Cardinal and why?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on August 15, 2022