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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning. I am thinking of adding to my financial holdings and have read your recent comments on BNS, TD, FSZ, SLF, GWO, and MFC all of which I hold for a 10% financial weighting. I'm thinking of adding to MFC to bring it's weighting up to SLF and GWO and total of 12% for the group. MFC is improving and 5i seems to be warming up to it. I think MFC may be getting close to rebuilding it's dividend as well.
I would appreciate your opinion on this purchase as well as the weightings overall.
Once again, many thanks for your input.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on September 12, 2013
Q: Hi 5i! I have been a long time holder of Manulife (MFC). Now with the prospect of rising interest rates, insurers are back in favour. Would you recommend holding on to MFC or making the switch to Sunlife (SLF). If not Sunlife, which would be your preferred insurer?

I am slowly turning over my portfolio to 5i's covered stocks and/or model portfolio!

Thanks for helping us retail investors!
Read Answer Asked by Angelo on June 30, 2013
Q: Hi Peter I've been watching Manulife MFC for quite some time now ( about 2 yrs ) I heard Mr Guloiene on t.v. the other day
and in his words they are firing on all 8 cyl's now. I'm a long term investor if the returns are good. What are your thoughts on
Mfc. By the way I follow your reports very closely and have made
a number of buys for my portfolio, keep up the good work.
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on February 11, 2013