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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have recently came across $30k unexpectedly from a former employer and was pleasantly surprised. It is currently in an mutual and it would not through my weightings out of balance. I have a well diversified and weighted portfolio with your quality names such as TD, BNS, VET, ENB, TOI, BAM, LSPD, AEM, ATZ, TRUL etc... If I was to move it from the fund to an equity only to set and forget(again) for 15 years what would you chose. At least your top 3. thx.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on March 28, 2022
Q: Happy Friday! Can you recommend two names in Canada you feel can benefit most from the current environment. 2 Energy and 2 Basic Materials - I have 3.6% of my portfolio exposed to energy and only 0.8% in BM. Happy to add to current positions. Long term investor (7-10 yrs) with higher risk profile.

MX 0.8%

ENB 2.44%
SU 1.15%

Thanks for the continued excellent work. I think this is my 5th year using your services and have not been disappointed. Have recommend your services to all my friends.
Read Answer Asked by Don on March 28, 2022
Q: Hi,

I assume you're still positive on ENB for the long-term? I have both ENB and AltaGas, with the latter finally coming back up to my ACB. I was thinking of selling it and consolidating the funds into ENB. Partly to reduce my holdings but also because I have more confidence in ENB.

Would you prefer diversity and keep both positions? Or is my plan ok?

Read Answer Asked by Robert on March 23, 2022
Q: I've noted lately that Canadian pipeline company's price appreciation is actually doing better than usual. I currently own PPL, ALA, and ENB, all of which are making good gains, (especillay Pembina). I find this unusual for companies that pay such high dividends.. Just wondering if my observation is correct and if so why is this happening? Also, do you think in the present environment the rate of appreciation of their stock prices will continue upwards for the short and long term?
Read Answer Asked by Les on March 23, 2022
Q: Can you list some of your favourite Canadian stocks that are eligible for the Canadian tax credit that yield over 4%? I am building a dividend portfolio and have the banks, ENB, PPB, SLF.

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by TK on March 22, 2022
Q: In anticipation of a possible recession in the near future, I would like to slowly tweak a few of my holdings. Could you please list some of the best sectors to hold in a recession, and if possible, list a few excellent Canadian companies in each sector and perhaps some US stocks. What may be the worst sectors to hold in a recession? Sorry, this is a big question, but one that I think many members may be thinking about.
Read Answer Asked by Grant on March 18, 2022
Q: Dear 5i Team,

If there was an option to totally liquidate all of the investments someone had and start with a clean slate, which 20 stocks US and Canada (10 each) would you recommend for a 10 year horizon?

Thank you for your advice as always,

Much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Alka on March 11, 2022
Q: Hi 5i,
I noticed ENB and TRP have both recently issued long bonds out to year 2052/2082. I don't understand the strategy of a 30yr/50yr bond, please explain. I think these were issued to repay a series of "Preferred Shares", which looks to me to be a bit broken. Can you tell me how many other companies are doing this?
Read Answer Asked by Keith on March 09, 2022
Q: Hello Peter,
I am assuming Enbridge and TC Energy are going up due to higher oil prices and fortis and emera are safer places to be. In the long run, should i move some monies from Enbridge and TC energy to Fortis or Emera as they may have higher pricing power going forward when negotiating new rates? Thanks very much
Read Answer Asked by umedali on March 08, 2022
Q: Good morning Peter, Ryan, and Team,

In our combined accounts, we are overweight in the Consumer Cyclical sector, and hold ATD, BYD, CCL.B, and MG. These stocks have been held for some time, so we have reasonable profits in all four.

In order to raise cash for our under-represented energy sector, please rank the four Consumer Cyclical stocks in order of the first to sell or reduce.

Our Energy holdings include ENB, TOU, and TVE. Please suggest three or four stocks in this sector that would be complimentary to the three already held.

Please deduct as many credits as necessary for this somewhat long question, and as always, thanks for your valuable insight.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on March 08, 2022
Q: Hi Peter
I have read your report that you have sent over to your customers stating that with this market correction it is time to build, i am with you all the way i am fairly new to this game been in it for only 2 years and still learning alot following your advise. I am at the age of 63 years old , if still healthy my time frame will be 5 years. Stating what you said about the market correction that we are in now, which companies would you feel is something that you can see moving in the right direction or which sector would you recommend? Thks again for everything
Read Answer Asked by wilson on March 04, 2022
Q: Could I have your best single selection for both US and Canada for a conservative investor in these 7 sectors - energy, global defence, cyber, pipelines, utilities, consumer staples and defensive growth within software tech. Thank you for the help.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on March 04, 2022
Q: If you were to sell any of the above, list in order your top 5 or 6. Or would you keep the portfolio as is for next 3 years.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on March 04, 2022
Q: I have around 15% of my total portfolio value in energy and utilities, spread across the following stocks. I have held most of these positions for quite some time.

Given the considerable rise in the past year (but still quite far off from ATH for some), would you suggest any consolidations or removal of any of these positions?

ENB: 17.72% of total, 44.35% gain
SU: 14.35% of total, 73.34% gain
MEG: 14% of total, 309.59% gain
WCP: 11.55% of total, 249.88% gain
ERF: 8.82% of total, 421.21% gain
CNQ: 8.67% of total, 248.39% gain
CPG: 7.33% of total, 346.70% gain
POW: 6.72% of total, 67.89% gain
PPL: 6.38% of total, 53.52% gain
AQN: 4.47% of total, 4.83% gain

Thanks in advance for the insight and advice!
Read Answer Asked by David on March 03, 2022
Q: I hold 13% of my non-registered account in energy and utilities, spread across the following stocks, with a focus on long-term income.

Would you suggest any consolidations or removal of any of these positions?

AQN, 9.70% of total, 3% gain
CU, 4.78% of total, 3% gain
ENB, 21.43% of total, 31% gain
EPD, 7.50% of total, 2% gain
FTS, 8.14% of total, 1% gain
KMI, 7.54% of total, 6% gain
PXT, 7.19% of total, 15% gain
SPB, 8.48% of total, 3% loss
TPZ, 4.19% of total, 8% gain
TRP, 4.86% of total, 11% gain
WMB, 4.63% of total, 10% gain
ZWU, 11.55% of total, flat

Thanks as always for your excellent work! Aaron

Read Answer Asked by Aaron on March 02, 2022
Q: With intrest rate rising,perhaps faster in USthan Canada Which stocks will benefit and which has more risk but perhaps benefit.
Does Energy stocks still have room to grow?
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on March 01, 2022