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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi folks,
I am looking at topping up to a full position in either Telus, BCE or ENB. This will be in my TFSA account. Can you recommend one that not only will have some growth when interest rates peak but the dividend will remain intact as well.
Read Answer Asked by JOHN on October 10, 2023
Q: These large cap dividend stocks have declined significantly. Would you consider them on sale now to add or purchase at these time? Eventually these stocks should recover perhaps even without cutting theirs dividends.
Thanks for your input on this matter.
Read Answer Asked by Miroslaw on October 04, 2023
Q: In a world where indebted dividend-payers are being stressed by higher rates, how would you rank the following Canadian companies in terms of the sustainability of their dividend?

Read Answer Asked by Brian on October 03, 2023
Q: Hi Peter & team: Long time member- Great service - Thank You!
With regards to Hans' question about Brian Acker's views on Market call- I took it as more of an issue about when cash dividends in $ paid out per share are greater than EPS. Brian used BCE and ENB as examples of an early sign of trouble and one should avoid such situations. You have handled this in the past (very well) Can you provide us a refresher on the opposing view ? If I remember correctly the net is basically "dividends out greater than EPS is OK, but not forever " Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Grant on September 28, 2023
Q: Hi Peter and 5i,
Would you please rank the companies for the sustainability of their dividend going forward?
Would you also rank them in the order that you would purchase for yield and dividend?
Thanks so much for your input.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on September 28, 2023
Q: I own CP, CNR, ENB, BCE, in my Rif account and was thinking about selling these to buy UMAX to increase income and keep me in these sectors. They are about 17% of that portfolio and I don't think I am adding risk by doing this but I will be increasing income significantly. Does this move make sense? Thanks, James
Read Answer Asked by JAMES on September 19, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,

Can you offer some of your favourite dividend growth equity's. CDN and US, regardless of sector.
Read Answer Asked by Regan on September 14, 2023
Q: Good evening, I'm interested in adding to my existing SU energy position. I have a full position in ENB and am wondering if it isn't a good time to reduce ENB and add another company like TOU or CNQ. I've been in both before and done well. The yields are lower than ENB but there's more chance of capital gain. I realize ENB is more utility than energy so there's a bit of apples to oranges in this question. I'm a chicken retiree who wants safety, yield and the chance of gain. Thanks, as always.
Read Answer Asked by alex on September 13, 2023
Q: What do you think about the bought deal: "under which the Underwriters have agreed to purchase, on a bought deal basis, 89,490,000 common shares of the Company ("Common Shares") for aggregate gross proceeds of CDN$4 billion at an offering price of CDN$44.70 per Common Share ".

In after-hours trading the stock is down >6%. If it stays in the range after the selloff that means the dividend will be >7.8%. How high will the dividend have to be before you get concerned about a cut (I don't want another AQN surprise!)?

Is it a stock you would buy today, or wait for the dust to settle?
What would be a good entry point?
Read Answer Asked by Paul on September 06, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
What companies are on your lost of long-term hold dividend positions? I’m building a dividend portfolio and sincerely appreciate your always valuable perspective.

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Greg on September 01, 2023
Q: These are my wife's holdings in her non-registered account. Held these for very long time. EMP.A I bought for her maybe 5 years ago when down a lot. Sitting on a fair bit of cash. Thinking of adding to banks at some point (recession?) or adding BCE and EIF? T is small holding at 2000 shs. Comments/suggestions please. Oh, own ETF ZUE for quite a while also. RRSP has other banks +++
Read Answer Asked by James on August 29, 2023