Q: Do you think TD Bank would be a good addition to get exposure to the US recovery and their banking sector?
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: I visit your site regularly; it is my main source for investing advice and information. I have a question on financials. I am currently underweight financials (4%) in the form of BNS. I am thinking it is time to consider increasing my weighting. I could add to BNS, which I like for it's global exposure, or diversify by adding TD for exposure to the US. I would appreciate your comments. Thank you.
Q: Well done yesterday on BNN. You have an impressive knowledge of the public companies, where do you stash your notes? I have picked TD Bank for their US exposure rather than a Cdn Bank ETF, Agree? Carfinco seems to have skimmed the cream. Agree?
Q: I hold RY and I am thinking of trading it for TD because RY has leapt ahead in the last few months. Do you have any comment.