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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello-I invested in both of the companies early this year. Williams share price has dropped and now yields an eye popping eight per cent. Is that sustainable? What are your thoughts on wmb. I am tempted to buy more. Also, Citibank gave a shout out to enbridge today and it’s current yields are also high. Your thoughts on enb please?
Read Answer Asked by alex on December 09, 2019
Q: You have been quite negative in your commentary about Kraft Heinz. Unfortunately I hold it in my RRIF and hang onto it for the yield of about 6% at the current price. Since I need the income to live on, and can't claim the capital loss, should I hang onto it for income or switch into something else? If the latter, what alternative investment(s) could you suggest with comparable safety of yield and long term buy-and-hold potential?
Read Answer Asked by David on October 10, 2019
Q: 5i's - Looking for a low beta low PE defensive US pipeline stock - found this one which had a precipitous drop in stock price this year - 3 questions - why the drop - is this one a defensive place to invest in that sector - what would you recommend (one or two stocks) for US pipeline exposure with above criteria - 3 thank yous - Ken
Read Answer Asked by Ken on July 12, 2019
Q: Hi 5i, I currently have 3 U.S. stocks now. Bank of America, Jpmorgan and Pfizer. Would like to add 1 or 2 more, thinking along the lines of a stock like Aqn ( just the quality doesn’t have to be in the category) just to let you know I’m up 117% on Aqn because of your recommendation sometime ago. So looking for decent growth, nice dividend and my time horizon is very long term.
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on March 19, 2019
Q: I hold WMB in my RRSP.

Please advise which option to elect in the merger of The Williams Companies Inc (WMB) with Energy Transfer Equity LP (ETE). The three choices are:

1 - 1.8716 share of ETE for 1 share WMB
2 - $43.50 cash for 1 share WMB
3 - $8.00 cash and 1.5274 share of ETE for 1 share WMB

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on June 20, 2016
Q: WMB NYSE-what do think about me buying this one for my USD portfolio? I do not own any CDN equivalents as they look very expensive. They plan on > dividend by 20% ea over the next 3 years. They have bought two complimentary companies recently as well which should increase cash flow etc. However metrics looks awful: very high debt, high Payout ratio etc.
Read Answer Asked by James on May 23, 2013