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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: AI requires greater electrical power to operate. Which utility companies are positioned to benefit from this boom in Canada and in US? Could you please provide a list? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Esther on May 27, 2024
Q: I am looking for a couple of suggestions for US stocks that would be similar conservative and yield as Fortis on the Canadian side
Read Answer Asked by Terry on September 18, 2020
Q: Hi,

Do you agree that many REITS and utility companies are historically way overvalued considering their lack of growth?
If I was to invest in REITS and utility companies for the next few years, could u pick 2 REITS you like for US and 2 for CDN exposure?
Could you also pick two utility companies you like for US and 2 for CDN exposure?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on April 08, 2020
Q: I asked 5i about WEC in September 2017. I have held it, to my regret. I now seek a FRESH and independent look by 5i re WEC. Sabrient is a quant shop I have followed for a few years and I was alarmed to see them slap a “STRONG SELL” on WEC. Thomson Reuters is mostly neutral although they appear (I think) positive on the future, in that they gave WEC a 10 out of 10 in their section “Earnings Outlook” . A couple of other analysts I read show WEC as a hold or neutral. I show considerable loss on WEC (almost as bad as I have on Is the drop in value in WEC and other utilities due to actual or prospective increases in interest rates? If yes, do you think the market has now baked all that into current price? Would you hold? (Can't use as tax loss). If you would sell, please suggest 2 or 3 US names to replace it with?
Read Answer Asked by Adam on June 07, 2018
Q: I bought a couple of years ago, thinking of it as a bond proxy. WEC appreciated modestly in value this past year. I just looked at updated financial metrics and WEC struck me as expensive –but I am not sure.

Is WEC a good proxy for bonds? Should WEC be sold and a 'growthier' name bought? For this question ‘growthier’ mean to me means a security that is expected to have reasonably good dividend growth, consistent with industry, interest-rate and other risks.

If, in your opinion, there are other, better bond proxies, I would be thankful for your suggestions. US and ‘Europe ex-UK’ preferred but I am also open to Canadian names you care to suggest. (If you want, disregard tax aspects. The Cdn and US Governments own 60% of me; I finally accepted that resistance is futile.
Read Answer Asked by Adam on September 15, 2017