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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i

Back in 2019 I asked if you could provide a "growthy" USA portfolio.
The above stocks were your recommendations.
Could you provide an updated "growthy" USA portfolio for 2025?
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Dave on January 15, 2025
Q: Last April United Technologies became Raytheon and spun off Carrier and Otis. Initially Revenue Canada (CRA) deemed the Carrier and OTIS spin-off values as 100% taxable (incredible I know) as opposed to a 50% taxable capital gain. I know this is not your area of expertise but I'm sure many of your members were affected due to the sheer size of UTX. Do you know if the CRA ruling has been changed or is it still 100% taxable?
Read Answer Asked by DAVE on October 13, 2020
Q: My question is what is the new cost base for UTX, now RTX?
I held UTX and then it spun off Carrier and Otis. With these spin offs, I thought my cost base would be reduced for the spin off values for Carrier and Otis. But itrade and also Globe & Mail still show the original UTX cost base. 
I read that the spinoff and merger where to a non-taxable events.....or that's I took it.
Any information you can provide me to clarify this situation......Thanks.....Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on April 28, 2020
Q: Hello, my shares of UTX have just been converted into shares of CARR (14%), OTIS (22%) and RTX (64%) respectively. I do not want to have too many stocks in my portfolio, do you think it is ok to keep just one of these three companies? If yes, which one would you keep? Why? Thanks, Gervais
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on April 09, 2020
Q: Neither of my Cdn bank online brokerages show any new shares for UTX this morning, and UTX now trades as RTX as I understand it. But I'm reading conflicting info on what will happen with my UTX shares. Will they just become RTX? Will I receive spin off shares? A google search doesn't seem to give a clear answer.
Read Answer Asked by Rick on April 06, 2020
Q: I read an article that suggest that the US has essentially moved the FED's role to the Treasury Dept, thereby giving control (more at least) to the Trump admin. First, do you see this as the case, and second, if they were to devalue the US dollar as Trump has often called for to better compete with the world, and this brought structural support to the political move away from China and ROTW imports and boosted a reemergence of the US manufacturing/supply-chain system, what companies would look like a steal today ten years from now?
Read Answer Asked by Rick on April 02, 2020
Q: Hi 5i team,

I follow the DOW stocks a lot as they are a barometer on the market. They form the core of my portfolio and I add and trim around them. You mentioned in an earlier question that big caps are likely the quickest to recover. Earlier I lightened up on some high beta tech names and have some dry powder. On the Dow, which ones do you see as are the top 3-4 names having the potential for the strongest recovery over the next year or so. I manage my portfolio closely, so I am not concerned about sectors or weightings here. There are a lot of candidates and some have really been beaten up and others not so much. The financials have been beaten up, but I stay in Canada for those anyway, and I have no interest in the oils.

Thanks again for the insight on the DOW stocks. Thanks for your great work, as some days you are turning out answers faster than I can read them.

Read Answer Asked by Dave on March 31, 2020
Q: Realizing that all the above listed securities differ, they all got battered like everything else. Your opinion would be appreciated as to slowly buying into these positions and your preferred ordering.
Thank you, as always!
Read Answer Asked by Sigrid on March 23, 2020
Q: In response to the question by Satish, your suggestion was to look at tech growth stocks for a faster recovery. I had been considering TTD, NVDA, MSFT, GOOGL ,AMZN, COST and UTX before the correction; waiting for pullback. While UTX and COST have held up the others have dropped by varying degrees.
Could you please suggest your order of preference to buy in this volatile period.
As always, value your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on February 25, 2020
Q: Currently have CNR, CAE, WSP and SIS in my Industrial Sector of my portfolio - I would like to add a couple of US names to compliment these - can you recommend some names that I can take a look at ?

Read Answer Asked by JOHN on February 20, 2020
Q: Have a small position in UTX(US). The company has declared a spin-off of Otis and Carrier which ( I assume??) will leave me with shares in three companies as opposed to one company. I tend to not like small positions as it is now three times more work to moniter. What would you do? Sell UTX now or just accept that I now have two additional companies to watch? Thanks Ron
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on February 04, 2020
Q: Hi Peter and Ryan,
The US stocks are at an all time high and the airstrike occurred. We may see some volatility in the stock market. How do you think about investing in Aerospace and Defense stocks or ETFs? Any specific recommendations?
Read Answer Asked by Yiwen on January 07, 2020
Q: Seasons Greetings 5i!!
About a year ago a member asked you for a sample "growthy" USA portfolio.
You responded with the above listed stocks which have returned about 35% YTD.
Would you make any changes today twelve months after you first recommended it?
Thanks for all you do for all your help! It is has honestly been life changing for us and truly appreciated!!
Read Answer Asked by Dave on January 06, 2020