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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: My question is i hold these companies in my rrsp. I am up 186% on msft i have 22 shares and it is 2.8% of my portfolio. WSP i am up 195% 62 shares and it is 3.98% of my portfolio and unh i am up 135% 11 shares and is 2.69% of my portfolio. I would like to sell 5 shares of unh, 7 shares of msft and 12 shares of wsp. What companies should i pick up after selling these i have about 3 year time frame, or should i just hold on to them all. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by wilson on February 27, 2023
Q: I would like to add to my CDR holdings of either PFE, ABBV or UNH. I am leaning towards PFE since it's price has been down lately and it has a decent yield. How are CDR distributions treated for tax purposes, are they considered to be Canadian or US equities?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on February 17, 2023
Q: I own these four healthcare companies but would like to reduce my holdings to three. How would you rate them from best to worse. I've done the best on UNH as I've held it the longest but in looking at a long-term chart it has the poorest returns of the four. They are all so different but what three would give me the best diversification? Look forward to your opinion. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Cheryl on February 09, 2023
Q: Hello,
Any idea why united health keeps going down even though the latest results were good? Do you think Shopify is getting head of itself as it keeps ticking higher.. Is this simply due to tech stocks doing well as a sector in the last month or so.. and what do you think of starting a position in GE Health? Much appreciated. .
Read Answer Asked by umedali on February 03, 2023
Q: I have no Healthcare companies in my portfolio. What names are you presently recommending; Canadian and/or US $. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on January 05, 2023
Q: Hi group assuming some sort of recession next year along with present pullback what is your top 10 picks in order of preference / Entry points $ targets. Ignore sectors and US verses Canada Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on December 19, 2022
Q: Is there something to replace WELL in the Healthcare sector in Canada or US, ETF inclued?
Read Answer Asked by Yves on November 28, 2022
Q: Dear 5i
From my readings it appears that LLY,ABBV and UNH would be your favourite healthcare stocks and in that order . Would you agree ?
Between my wife and i we have 3 RRSP accounts . Would you recommend putting the number one healthcare pick LLY in all three accounts or maybe LLY in one account , ABBV in another account and UNH in the third account ?
The same applies to DOL and ATD which seem to be your favourite consumer staples stocks . Earnings forecasts look better for DOL but ATD is liked a lot as well though ATDs earnings forecast isn`t as good as DOL .Do i put DOL in all three accounts or and DOL in one account and ATD in another and a combination of both in the third account ?
Please deduct credits accordingly .
Bill C
Read Answer Asked by Bill on November 25, 2022
Q: Hi Peter,

I will soon be receiving my pension funds from my ex-employer to put in my LIRA.
Can you suggest a few stocks with a decent upside....time frame 10-15 years.
Read Answer Asked by HARRY on November 11, 2022
Q: could you suggest a few canadian and us equities you would recommend today for a balanced approach, and a brief supporting comment...thank you
Read Answer Asked by Steven on November 10, 2022
Q: I have a significant amount of cash to invest. I would like to allocate to some very high-quality stocks across various industries that can be bought and held for a long period of time so they can compound. If you could pick 10 companies that meet this criteria, what would they be? I was thinking about BAM, MSFT, V, COST, CP, UNH, HD, JNJ, GOOG, BRK.b but am open to suggestions or changes to this list. No banks or energy please.
Read Answer Asked by Stefan on September 22, 2022
Q: Hi there, I’m a big fan of the Balanced Equity portfolio. If you had to create a US Balanced Equity Portfolio using CDRs, what stocks would you purchase to create such a portfolio?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on September 12, 2022