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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello,
I'm looking for some tax-loss proxy ideas for the following names:


Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on March 10, 2025
Q: Hello 5i,

The quarter has been quite a ride so far. Get a sniff of a miss or lower guidance and stocks drop faster than a toboggan coming down Mt Everest.

Do you have any recommendations that appear to be Buys if you don’t already have a position? Some examples are: DDOG, VRT, TTD, TMDX, SPSC, CELH, CLBT, ROAD, CECO, APPF, ASPN, POWL, (electrical grid suppliers), and any other intriguing opportunity? The purchases would be for a 3-5 year hold.

If feels like the tipping point for earnings for many companies has been reached. If a looming reporting date is like a 5-alarm fire warning to get ready to bail water and run for the hills, which sounds like… opportunity!

Thank you for all of your help and wisdom.

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on February 18, 2025
Q: looking to move on from the name. looking to use to fund to buy Tempus Ai, Zedcor or NBIS?

with the hardware AI theme loosing steam and AI software picking up what other names in the US look attractive?
Read Answer Asked by Sal on February 13, 2025
Q: I've held XYZ in a reg account for a while now awaiting a recovery (down 50%) that never seems to take hold. I have to imagine there are much better opportunities, particularly in the US tech space. What would be some suggestions for replacement I could explore. I've had my eye on FOUR for a while, thoughts on this one as well would be very much appreciated. Thanks so much.
Read Answer Asked by Tony on February 10, 2025
Q: Hi. I totally missed the boat on Palantir. When the stock was in the high 20s, my beliefs and lots of what I read was confirming that the stock was over priced (at least that is what I thought), and I felt same as the stock rose to the 30s, 40s, .... and now over a hundred. And I still feel that the stock will need to correct at some time, as it has a trailing P/E in excess of 500 and possibly a P/E of at least 300+ looking forward. I made exactly the same mistake with many other companies such as Netflix, Facebook, .... I know that small, newer companies can exponentially increase their profits as they grow up but there is no guarantee that they will be successful (let alone be excessively successful).
So my question is three fold (please deduct necessary credits).
1. What did I do wrong here? I watched the stock go up and up and never pulled the trigger, thinking it was always too expensive. I sometimes feel it is more of a meme stock.
2. Would you buy Palantir at these prices / why?
3. Do you feel that there may be some other companies out there that may be in their early days (or well established) with lots of room to grow. If yes, your listing a few of your top convictions, along with a sentence (or two) explaining your rationale and intuition would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by Walter on February 10, 2025
Q: Hi Peter and team,
Can you recommend five U.S. and five Canadian diversified stocks with medium to high risk, strong growth potential, and at least positive earnings?

Read Answer Asked by Yousef on February 07, 2025
Q: Do you prefer CRM or NOW. It seems CRM is down in sympathy with NOW results. Were they really that bad? CRM trailing PE is almost 30 but NOW is much higher I believe. I have sold half my NVDA with the idea to move it into the next phase of AI adoption, software. Am thinking one of these and perhaps PLTR. You have much posted on it, any information you could add regarding buying it, would be helpful. Any other software companies you would consider? Thank you so much.
Read Answer Asked by John on January 31, 2025
Q: While picking up the pieces from the Deep Think carnage on my tech stocks, it occurs to ask which stocks will benefit from the possible reduction in the cost of AI......can you provide a short list 5 - 10 of potential beneficiaries of that? Many thanks for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on January 29, 2025
Q: I own small (2-3%) positions in Snowflake, MongoDB, and Datadog. Would you currently hold these stocks or sell them? If sold, what are some possible replacements in the tech sector?

If I were only to sell one, which holding would you let go of first and why?

Read Answer Asked by Nicola on January 27, 2025
Q: Hi Folks!

Could you tell me what the 24 month expected growth is for Datadog and Celestica? Do you see this as a good entry point or are these companies expensive based on your metrics? They have had quite the run up.
Would you wait for a pull back or be fine hopping in now.
This is for a 2-3 year hold.

Thanks so much for all you do!
Read Answer Asked by Josh on January 17, 2025
Q: Hello 5i

Back in 2019 I asked if you could provide a "growthy" USA portfolio.
The above stocks were your recommendations.
Could you provide an updated "growthy" USA portfolio for 2025?
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Dave on January 15, 2025
Q: Hello 5i,

We are in sync with the theory that hardware stocks will slow down and software will be the next phase. Which stocks from this group would you purchase today if not owned. We will assume that those not mentioned may be purchased on a pull-back. Of the list, are there any stocks that you would swap out for another stock?


Thank you for your help.

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on December 18, 2024
Q: Two part question:
You are often asked to suggest 5 companies for a TFSA or for growth and are consistent in suggesting names like CLBT, TVK and NBIS. My question today would be for you to introduce five high growth companies that you are watching but not recommending from the US market. Can you please list companies that excite you but have not yet been mentioned here?
As part two, can you state what you like about each company AND what you are watching for before actively recommending? Take 2 or 3 credits or whatever is needed to provide a comprehensive answer please.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on December 17, 2024