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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: This ETF seems to have a long/short strategy of low volatility. 2 questions please:

1. including dividends are they keeping up with the the TSX index total return since inception?
2. is there a guaranteed market maker to keep the shares of PFMN.TO in line with its NAV or is it possible a premium or discount could happen in the future?

Read Answer Asked by Tony on February 04, 2025
Q: Do you have any recommendations for a market neutral fund. I have come in to a large percentage of portfolio of cash. I’d like to slowly deploy over the next 12 months. I generally agree with your thoughts on market timing and I don’t want to get too cute, but I’d like to be able to pick my spots while earning a small return.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on September 30, 2021