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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: My understanding of the network effect is that it creates a virtuous circle of growth and increasing strength for the best companies - they become more valuable as they gain size over time, e.g. SHOP, AMZN.
What are your favs in any sectors that meet this criteria?
Read Answer Asked by sam on October 13, 2020
Q: Hi team,

What do you think of UFO for space play? It think the space should do well in the coming years with the USA now depending on homemade solutions. If you agree, is there any company or ETF you would suggestion in place of this UFO?

P.S: I, as one of your early members, must say that I wish you would have allowed questions on US stocks much earlier. And I am relieved to hear that you are going to continue with this added value service. I keep coming to this site indeed because I want to learn from your answering questions about the US stocks. It is not a secret that Canadian Markets have hugely under-performed their US counterparts.

Thanks for all you do for us!
Read Answer Asked by Saeed on June 03, 2020
Q: Hi Team,
Your recommendations on "Food Delivery Service" companies trade in Canadian and/or US exchanges or ETF?
Thank you for your help and appreciate your good services !!
Read Answer Asked by Tak on May 25, 2020
Q: Prof Galloway (pivot/section4/etc) talks a lot about unregulated monopolies, are there any companies that you would recommend (outside of the traditional faang names) that might be able to grow into this category? (canada or us)

Read Answer Asked by dan on March 02, 2020
Q: UBER had a good run lately. It is higher than the IPO price the first time. I am thinking of adding UBER into my investment portfolio for a mid-term investment. Do you think it is a good idea?
I am also thinking of COST, Google, TTD for a relatively stable RRSP portfolio for a very long term. Is it okay to have all three of them?
Thank you very much.
Read Answer Asked by Yiwen on July 03, 2019