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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: It looks like biotech stocks are on a tear, especially those that may benefit from AI. Do you have any names that you might recommend? I'm considering the Arkg fund but I don't quite trust Cathy Woods after losing money on the Arkk fund in 2021. Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by Jason on February 18, 2025
Q: Hello, I have bought these during Covid and now >70% down. They are in TFSA and RESP so I can’t claim the tax loss. I don’t need the money for next 5 years in RESP, and can hold for long time in TFSA, would you suggest holding them or take a loss and use the rest of the funds somewhere else (VRT or GOOGL)? Thank for your service.
Read Answer Asked by Rahul on March 15, 2024
Q: Hi Guys,

The above companies are well below water, I have a 3 year window before needing to sell anything, please advised!
Should I sell, I would be purchasing companies like td, kxs, doo.
Read Answer Asked by jim on February 13, 2023
Q: Hi! Doing some cleaning up and wondering if these are buy, sell, or hold. In reference to Shane's comments I also agree that it wasn't too long ago that so many advisors were recommending growth stocks at lofty prices. Having always been a more of a value investor I dipped my toes, but am feeling like I'd be too scared to ever enter any kind of a growth stock again. I know if interest rates peak you feel these can do well again but only time will tell and many investors have lost lots of money on the high growth names like in Cathy Wood's funds. Happy to hold any of these names if there could ever be a turn around. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Neil on November 09, 2022
Q: I have now smallish positions in these ETFs held in registered accounts. ARKG at a 40% profit ARKW at a 60% loss and ARKK at a 64% loss. Do you see these recovering in the next few months or would you sell now and look elsewhere?
Please deduct credits as required.
Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Carlos on March 14, 2022
Q: I am a 49 year old Canadian with $50,000 Cdn in TFSA and $25,000 in RRSP. I would like some names to build a portfolio. High growth. Risk tolerance high. How much cash should I hold for dip buying. Right now I am overweight TSLA. It seems to me MSFT is a very good stock and I like its outlook and steady growth. A trusted friend recommends TSLA. Please suggest other names including ETFs. Could you rank the names with percentage allotments? 15 year outlook.
Read Answer Asked by Daniel on December 06, 2021
Q: Hi,

It seems to me that the good days of the above ETFs are now behind them. They have been loosing speed, as for instance ARKG going from a yield of 33% over 3 years to 18% over 1 year.

What is your assessment of these ETFs at this time. Would you hold or sell to remplace them by ETFs with better growth potential ? If so, which ones would you suggest ?

Thanks a million,

Jacques IDS
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on October 25, 2021
Q: I recently took profits in IBB and ARKG. I like the sector but would prefer a more focused approach. What are your 5 best biotech stocks for a long term hold. Thanks for this great service. I tell everyone that the best value around is a 5i membership.
Read Answer Asked by Christopher on October 07, 2021
Q: The genome space seems to have taken a hit and I'd like to add some to my portfolio. Can you give me 3 to 5 Canadian or US stocks going forward that you believe have the highest potential of gains( I realise this would also be subject to the most risk) for a 5 plus year hold.

Also 3 to 5 stocks from Canada or US that you feel should be held for long term exposure.

Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Richard on August 19, 2021
Q: Is this the season for owning Biotech stocks , if so, which ones do you favour ? ...
Am I just better off owning stocks, ETFs , or the spider .
I have never done well in that subsection, so I am hesitant .

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on July 21, 2021
Q: I'm seeking an ETF to help with disruptive technologies.

I have mostly banks, REIT's, and other dividend paying stocks. Less in
technology, health care though I have a few ETF's covering the space.

What I don't have are ETF's that would protect against a possible
decline in my positions: such as disruptive financial stocks (such as
ARKF) and emerging internet, cybersecurity for example. I have very
little knowledge ion these areas but they could well be important
going forward, as a minority position (maybe 5 - 10% of my portfolio).

Read Answer Asked by John on June 28, 2021
Q: I have balanced stocks in RRSP (mainly from your BE portfolio) and growth companies in TFSA (mostly our picks). Its very well diversified in different sectors. Thank you for your help

I still have ~50 K Cash (from recent clean up) in RRSP which I would be investing in this summer. Since majority of my stocks are Canadian, to balance out I am looking to add mostly US ETFs.

These are the ETFs have got my attentions from your questions answers. I am looking for maximum growth and also a hold and forget for 10 + years. This question applies to RRSP

Please provide me with 3-5 suggestions from below. Would you add anything else here or suggest otherwise?


Thank you for your excellent service!
Read Answer Asked by Mahendiali on June 01, 2021
Q: Good morning,

Could you please suggest a couple ideas for tech and health care exposure within a TFSA. I hear there are advantages/disadvantages of different type of ETFs.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on March 18, 2021
Q: Hi Team,
I'd like to start positions in an aggressive growth portfolio in the artificial intelligence, genomics, renewable energy (and EV) sectors (2-3 positions per sector). Holding time 2-5 years.
Also considering Bionano Genomics (BNGO).
1. Please rank the sectors for expected growth. Are there any others I should consider? Are they already overbought/overpriced?
2. Please rank the stocks in each sector for expected growth. Are there any others I should consider?

Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 18, 2021
Q: Thank you for answering my question comparing ARKK with QQQJ/EDGW. Somehow it seems to have been flagged as Private! Didn't mean to mark as private. Please feelfree to unflag it!
Your answer as always has been consistent. You favoured ARKK. Thanks.
But this is an extension of that question. I know you don't get into asset allocation! Let me try anyway in the following manner!
If someone is ready to invest 100k, 3 to 5 years, high risk tolerance, what would be % you would allocate in each of the ARK funds?
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on February 08, 2021