Q: I have a large loss on this one. Should I dump it now? Note it is in my TFSA.
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Investment Q&A
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Q: Please comment on financial results out today.
Is their plan to vertically integrate and grow their own product a good idea?
Is their plan to vertically integrate and grow their own product a good idea?
Q: what is your opinion of this company today
Q: I have noted in the past that quarterly MD&A's have included a breakdown of revenue for each dispensary, both for the quarter and in comparison to the same period of the previous year. Recently, this specific information has become absent in quarterly reporting and dispensary revenues have been lumped together. The company response was they made the change for competitive reasons???
I have two questions which I'd be grateful to have answered.
1) Why has the company chosen to omit this information in recent reporting? The limited number of dispensaries currently operating, though growing, does not make this an onerous task.
2) Where can I access revenue per individual dispensary?
Thank you
I have two questions which I'd be grateful to have answered.
1) Why has the company chosen to omit this information in recent reporting? The limited number of dispensaries currently operating, though growing, does not make this an onerous task.
2) Where can I access revenue per individual dispensary?
Thank you
Q: This is a profitable little vertically integrated marijuana Co. What are your thoughts as a long-term speculation? Can you opine on the recent run-up on above average volume please?