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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Trane has fallen a bit from the peak what are your thoughts on growth outlook moving forward? I’m up about 100% should I be moving on.

What is the outlook for LSPD? I’m taking a loss on this one and have held on for a few years, is there a chance this will gain any growth or should I cut my losses

Read Answer Asked by Mark on February 18, 2025
Q: Hi 5i
How were Lspd earnings?
What were the results of the completed strategic review? Sounds like the search for a buyer was unsuccessful….
How does 5i view the future prospects going forward for lightspeed … currently hold small position… would 5i sell or continue to hold .
If sell what would you recommend in similar space.
Read Answer Asked by jim on February 06, 2025
Q: I have two questions re: tax loss selling. I have a three year old gain that I can offset by selling the above holdings.

1. First please help me with the math. If I buy a stock for $100, sell it for $90, I have a loss of $10 which would mean I can expect a $2.50 tax loss at a 25% rate. Does this mean that if I wanted to buy the stock back after 30 days, I would only be better off if I buy it back at less than 92.50 per share? Do you have a threshold whereby you must be down by a certain amount to justify a tax loss sale? e.g. 20%? Unless of course you are walking away from a company.

2. Which of the companies listed would you consider buying back after 30 days? I have too many holdings as it is so may just let them all go unless something is particularly interesting. I am overweight technology, underweight everything else but otherwise have a broad mix of funds and stocks.
Read Answer Asked by Dale on December 20, 2024
Q: I have approximately $70k cash in my TFSA account that I would like to invest before the end of the year. I currently have the above stocks in my TFSA. My investments in Lightspeed and Unity have taken a big hit (70 to 80% loss) since purchasing these stocks. I understand that I cannot claim losses on investments in my TFSA account. Would you suggest selling off my investments in Lightspeed and Unity and reinvesting these funds? As noted above, I have cash in my TFSA to be invested. Please rank my current TFSA holdings for additional investment considering a 5 to 10 year hold. Thank you for your expertise and best wishes for the Holiday Season.
Read Answer Asked by Don on December 18, 2024
Q: my public service announcement

re: saeed's question on averaging down

ugh, how many times have i done this only to regret it

i share this only to help others with this predicament

here's my figuring

as noted you own 1 share at $51 and are prepared to average down to $30 in order to 'not lose money'

therefore you will need to buy 6 new shares at the current price of $26 in order to bring your acb to +/- $30

6 x $26 + $51 = $207 (@ 7 = $29.57 ACB)

then, if the price increases to $30, you break even

the question is " you are already wrong on this company, so do you really want to triple your investment ($26x6 = $156)

trust me, i have done this many, many times (way in the past) and this is the epitome of throwing good money after bad

most often it is best to take your lumps and as peter says, move on and find something in an uptrend

good luck

Read Answer Asked by Robert on November 30, 2024
Q: Good Day Team,

I am down 50% on LSPD at an average cost of 51CAD/share.

I figure if LSPD is sold today even at $30CAD/share, I would lose about 40% of the original investment which is about 2.25% of the total portfolio.

I can average down with enough funds to break even if the company is sold at $30 CAD. My hesitation is what if the company is NOT sold. I am sure the price will halve from where it is now. I am pretty sure you would hold and would suggest not to throw good money after bad.

Yet, I would like to ask for a high risk investor, would this be too risky a move?

Thanks as always!

Read Answer Asked by Saeed on November 28, 2024
Q: Another Canadian company (KUT.v) taken private.

Looking in to your crystal ball, over the next 1-3 years what are some other Canadian companies that you consider prime candidates to be acquired?
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on November 25, 2024
Q: I still have my LSPD stock (at quite a loss) and just wondering with the current announcement of the companying possibly selling or taking it private, if this is the time to sell now or hold on to see what materializes? Is it conceivable that the Company could sell and if so, what might the stock price go to? Your thoughts please...
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Pat on September 26, 2024
Q: My losing stocks are LSPD (-65%), MG (-45%), CELH (-53%), and NXT (-40%) in my portfolio. I am contemplating an annual cleaning to weed out the poor performers before year end and invest the proceeds elsewhere.
Please recommend if any of the above mentioned stocks are still worth keeping for recovery in the recent interest rate cut environment ? if not, please rank the order of wipe out sequence. Thank you for your excellent service. Bill.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on September 24, 2024
Q: I am a long term investor who is very patient and has a high risk tolerance, but must pull a few weeds. Have held the above for a decent amount of time, but wonder about 5I's opinion on whether to hold for longer or pull. Thank you for all your help.
Read Answer Asked by Raymond on August 26, 2024
Q: I am contemplating to sell the LSPD (1.1%, -63%), MG (1.2%, -43%), TD (0.3%, -15%) and BCE (0.2%, -57%) from my portfolio and deploying the proceeds elsewhere. Please rate and recommend the selling preference order. Thank you very much. Bill.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on July 16, 2024