Q: Is PCG a BUY. It is cheap but has had a lot of problems in California with forest fires caused by them . Is California a too risky place to invest People are leaving CA and with the recent devastation this will continue to be the pattern RAK
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PCG)
Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated (PEG)
Cameco Corporation (CCO)
NEMI Northern Energy & Mining Inc. (NNE)
BWX Technologies Inc. (BWXT)
Constellation Energy Corporation (CEG)
NuScale Power Corporation Class A (SMR)
Oklo Inc. Class A (OKLO)
Q: hi all:
looking at the total nuclear complex from producers to manufacturing to servicing to repairing.............the whole industry now and into the future
besides the producers (i own cco and nxe) who do you see as potential investable companies over the next 5+ years
(in services, i own bwxt)
more specifically, i'm hearing more that small modular reactors will show good potential for our energy grid, who do you foresee as playing a role in building and servicing?
......and anything else you care to add on this theme!
thank you
looking at the total nuclear complex from producers to manufacturing to servicing to repairing.............the whole industry now and into the future
besides the producers (i own cco and nxe) who do you see as potential investable companies over the next 5+ years
(in services, i own bwxt)
more specifically, i'm hearing more that small modular reactors will show good potential for our energy grid, who do you foresee as playing a role in building and servicing?
......and anything else you care to add on this theme!
thank you
Q: Hi 5i, what do you folks think of this preferred from Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Looks like there troubles are behind them though the stock itself is not paying a dividend yet, thanks.
Q: What are your thoughts on Pacific Gas & Electric now that it has exited bankruptcy after the wildfires caused by their equipment?
I see a new CEO, new board and was interested to see that it is now David Tepper's largest position at Appaloosa, Dan Loeb's largest position at Third Point and Baupost just made it a top ten position. Is this a good rebound play as California's largest utility? Thanks
I see a new CEO, new board and was interested to see that it is now David Tepper's largest position at Appaloosa, Dan Loeb's largest position at Third Point and Baupost just made it a top ten position. Is this a good rebound play as California's largest utility? Thanks
Q: Please share any thoughts you have on this company and it’s predicament with respect to the California wildfires and possible bankruptcy filing. Thanks.
American Electric Power Company Inc. (AEP)
Duke Energy Corporation (Holding Company) (DUK)
Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PCG)
Southern Company (The) (SO)
Q: Can you suggest two or three US utility co's. that would be appropriate for a US dollar RRIF? I believe Ryan had mentioned one on market call, but I missed part of that broadcast.
Q: PCG stock price has tumbled fast for reasons that are most unfortunate. Many customers are suffering due to power outages and some or all the blame might be attributable to errors by PCG. Given that electric utilities should be in higher demand due to our migrating from fossil fuel to cleaner power: (1) is PCG now a buy at its depressed price? (2) Should one wait for clarification on who or what caused the fires in California? (3) If interest rates rise as expected in December, how would PCG share price be affected? (4) If PCG is found to be at fault, could it survive a multi-billion payments for damages and penalties? (BP has still not recovered from its environmental crimes)