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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi,

I purchased these utility and telecoms largely because of their low beta. In the recent downturn, they fell as much or more than hi growth stocks like SHOP, FB, AMZN or NVDA. AQN was down over 40%?? How do you account for that? Seems to me I'm better off ignoring 'safety' and going for growth?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on March 25, 2020
Q: The valuations on companies with a favourable ESG component are lofty at best. Do you see any in this sector that are still reasonably priced? A dividend would be preferable.
Thanks for your consideration.
Read Answer Asked by Denis on February 21, 2020
Q: Seasons Greetings 5i!!
About a year ago a member asked you for a sample "growthy" USA portfolio.
You responded with the above listed stocks which have returned about 35% YTD.
Would you make any changes today twelve months after you first recommended it?
Thanks for all you do for all your help! It is has honestly been life changing for us and truly appreciated!!
Read Answer Asked by Dave on January 06, 2020
Q: Hello 5i. I would like your opinion on the renewable energy industry. These companies seem to have done well over the yr. Would you classify these as being cyclical and what would there cycle be? I am looking at getting into these but find their valuations expensive currently. Do you see a catalyst for their prices falling in the near future or do they have momentum on their side?
Read Answer Asked by pietro on September 27, 2019
Q: Hello Can I get your analysis on NextEra. It seems to be comparable to Bep.un which I hold, but bigger. I am looking at this for a long term investment. If you think this is a worthwhile investment, would there be a particular time of year to buy or just jump in and slowly accumulate to 5% weighting? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by pietro on August 14, 2019
Q: Hi 5i,

What would be your top 10 names for a U.S. growthy balanced portfolio?

Read Answer Asked by Wayne on January 28, 2019
Q: HI 5iResearch team,
Can you please advise re: US utilities? I believe Stephen Jarislowsky's view that the US $ will increase relative to Can $ in near term, so have converted some US$ to Cdn$ recently with plan to repurchase at better exchange. He recommended US utilities for a longer term hold. Do you concur and if so, what would you buy?
Thank you, Linda
Read Answer Asked by Linda on January 26, 2018