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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter and Staff
So I am a slow learner and a bad order to add AND to my health care basket, Chartwell is gone.......I did not feel like adding $ for $ so have some of CSH proceeds left to top up a position or 2 in my basket....Please list 1, 2 ,3 in priority of your preferences above and if you see any you would not advise be kept, please say so and why.
Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on August 19, 2021
Q: Got some shares of OGN in the MRK spin off, too small an amount for me to keep as a holding. Sell and buy more MRK is an option or add to SU, SLF or BCE? Un-registed account, +5 year hold.
Read Answer Asked by Tom on June 22, 2021
Q: Hello 5i,
Income value investor with some growth stocks. Just received 16 shares of OGN. At 75 years I don't think I want to wait for "maybe" some growth. No dividend either. I would just sell them and by a few more MRK. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on June 11, 2021
Q: hello 5i:
we hold MRK in our portfolio, and have been notified of the allotment, as of 2 June, of shares of Organon. Can you discuss how you will see MRK shares being affected and whether or not you think the new Organon shares will have opportunities in the future that MRK did not have. Said another way, do you see this as beneficial to existing shareholder and does the new company hold some promise. CSU and TOI come to mind
Paul L
Read Answer Asked by Paul on June 01, 2021
Q: Is Merk unjustifiably cheap or is it a value trap? Which of MRK, JNJ, MDT (or other suggestion) would you recommend as a buy and forget cornerstone healthcare holding for someone looking for long term capital appreciation and dividend growth. My only other healthcare position is ABBV. Please also explain the rationale. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Matthew on May 27, 2021
Q: i have held this for about 5 years and it has basically done nothing despite all the promises from management for change/consolidation etc. Would you support continuing to hold or am i better switching to a better growth name. i am retired so i like a bit of income in addition to share price appreciation. i already own ABBV and MDT and do not want to add to these positions. i am better off in Merck or PFE?
Read Answer Asked by kelly on April 07, 2021
Q: Could you list a few companies (in Canada/ U.S.A) from each sector that may benefit if inflation catches hold and supercedes target rates set by their central banks?

Read Answer Asked by Arturo on February 25, 2021
Q: I am looking for some ideas on how to strengthen my healthcare holdings. I have a small position in BMY, and a full position in WELL. Present asset weighting is 3% of my portfolio.
I have room in registered and non registered.
Looking for quality, slow and steady, dividend paying, Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on February 19, 2021
Q: We are in the process of transferring some under performing RRSP mutual funds to our self directed RRSP investment account. Our TSFA's have been maxed out with mostly growth oriented stocks. Presently, we have a smaller self directed RRSP with limited number of positions. With the transfer we will have a sizeable amount of money to reinvest in our RRSP accounts. Would it be advisable to mirror one of your model portfolios, or consider all the above positions and add accordingly?

Are there any of the listed companies you would suggest increasing positions on and any in which should not be added to at the present time?
Portfolio analytics
Shows we need to increase our exposure to International and US.
As well, do you have any ideas to increase exposure to: (Stocks or ETF's)
Basic material
Communication services
Consumer defensive
Health care
Real estate

Thanks Gord
Read Answer Asked by Gord on February 18, 2021
Q: Great and timely article yesterday on this "Phoenix market". With that in mind, which companies in the US manufacturing, health care, energy and technology industries would you be comfortable putting money into today with a 10 plus year hold with a medium/high risk tolerance? Are there any US names that you think should be full positions in the majority of such portfolios? Please feel free to deduct as many question credits as you deem appropriate.
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on February 01, 2021
Q: Great article today re the "Phoenix Market". With that in mind, could you please suggest a US stock or two in each major industry sector that you feel is well positioned for growth in the next 5-10 years that you would nevertheless be comfortable stepping into today? (Even if just half a position) Please feel free to deduct the number of credits you deem appropriate.
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on January 28, 2021
Q: Hi Peter and Staff

FInally bite the bullet on Sienna, looking to redeploy in the US topping up some or all of my US basket of health care. Please eliminate any of the above that you do not feel are a buy at this time and rank the rest within categories of strong buy, buy or hold.
Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on January 14, 2021
Q: Peter and Team:
I need some exposure to the healthcare sector and my choices are very limited in Canada, especially when Johnathon doesn't want to play in the Chess Game presently. What are your favourite US names, and where does ABBVIE fit in to the puzzle? When I am typing a question, does it time out after so many minutes?
Read Answer Asked by BEN on December 31, 2020