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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: This is a similar question to Craig’s question on August 8, regarding several mawer funds
I have held the above funds for a few years, and they are all positive still
Do you see underperformace of these funds in the past five years and if so would you advise replacing them with an ETF?
can you recommend etf replacements in Canadian dollar
Much appreciated
Read Answer Asked by Indra on August 12, 2024
Q: What actively managed US focused broad based equity mutual fund (s) would you recommend if I wanted to complement my US etf holdings ? Thank-you .
Read Answer Asked by Albert on August 23, 2021
Q: I have 2 American Equity mutual funds: BTG105 and MAW108 in an RRSP. I also own the ETF VFV. Performance wise BTG105 has lagged MAW108 and VFV in the last 6 months, 1 yr, 3 yr, 5yr, and 10 yr periods, so I will sell it. But should I replace it with MAW108 or VFV?

MAW108 appears to have outperformed VFV in the last 3 yr, 5yr and 10 yr periods, while VFV outperformed MAW108 in the last 1 yr.

Can you rank these 3, best to worst?

Would you replace BTG105 and MAW108 with VFV (and consolidate all 3 into 1), or keep both MAW108 and VFV for US equity exposure?

Read Answer Asked by Paul on August 10, 2021
Q: Dear Team,
Of all the Mawer funds, which one or two would be your preferred choices?
And yes, your information and services have been excellent in these uncertain times!
Thank you for that!
Read Answer Asked by Sigrid on April 27, 2020
Q: Greetings 5i,

I will be adding the following ETFs / Mutual Funds to my portfolio over time in order to round out my sector and geographic imbalances. Could you please suggest the prefered account to hold each of these in. RRSP, TFSA, or Regular Trading Account.


Read Answer Asked by Duane on November 20, 2019