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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: MTY or QSR: which best buy? I am thinking mild recession - maybe better price of entry later? I do not own any stocks in this group. Not sure I need to own? Not big dividend growers which is my mantra. Too many good blue chips avai8lable that are good dividend growers.
Read Answer Asked by James on October 19, 2023
Q: Do you see interesting dividends stocks down that we should keep an eye on with potentiel harvesting tax-loss season coming? Canadian and US stocks with a good balance sheet.

I have been looking at dir.un, plc, ko and pfe
Read Answer Asked by Francois on October 11, 2023
Q: I doubt that a significant percentage of us will go on weight loss drugs and stop eating at McDonalds. More likely more of us will dine there to save some cost as things tighten. The stock is down and pays a nice dividend. Is it a buy in your opinion at this level for a 3 year hold or do you recommend averaging in gradually? Or would you avoid it altogether for some reason? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on October 11, 2023
Q: Hi group please indicate in what order and at what entry price would you add to the above stocks. Only comment on the top 10 out of above list (i have a 100k to spend would you go all in now or wait until markets settle Thanks for your help with this decision
Read Answer Asked by Terence on September 28, 2023
Q: In a Rif account, looking for steady and increasing dividends over time. Of the two, which has better metrics for long term sustainability. Brief recap of metrics also on the chosen one also

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Harry on September 20, 2023
Q: Buy DOL?
Very high debt., - BV, dividend increase meagre and a ROE of 800+ - how is this possible with huge debt. - requiring cash flow to support it?
Find fundamentals confusing to say the least.
Read Answer Asked by James on August 31, 2023
Q: QSR has not panned out for me. How do you like McDonald's or other quick serve restaurants? EAFT.NE - my daughter purchased on Apr. 7 of this year. The cease trade by the Securities Commission - are we protected for the money we have lost with this holding? When I search a specific stock it gives me a great amount of information. There is a deviation line with dots on it. Is it better when the dots are going higher or lower as I do not know much about this. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you again,
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on August 31, 2023
Q: My long-term interest in VZ was partially founded on it's extremely low correlation with almost every other equity and fixed income category. I am "off" VZ due its recent issues and am curious as to whether you are aware of any similarly low correlation, reliably high income alternatives?
Read Answer Asked by David on July 24, 2023
Q: Good day,

Can I get your thoughts on these two companies? I hold them both, thinking in my food-lover, simplistic way that they are in a business that will always have demand. But as I read more about investing, other than brand-recognition, they really have no moat and I question whether they are good to hold long-term.

In general. I wonder if restaurants/fast food are an investable area? If so, how do these two rate? If keeping only one, which would you choose?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Doris on July 04, 2023
Q: Hi Peter & Team:

Of the above consumer stocks , could u rank them from 1-5 (least prefer to most prefer)
Secondly, are they at the attractive price to buy now? What would be a good price to get in.

Take as many credits as you see fit. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by DAVID on March 10, 2023
Q: I originally purchased this stock reluctantly on the advice of my (then) advisor. I've never been a fan, as they seem to bounce from one crisis to another and have been stuck in a trading range until the recent hiring of Mr. Doyle; the trading range so far appears just slightly higher. There seems to be lot of investment advisor/analyst support at odds with my view. I am rethinking this position in my portfolio now I've no advisor, and am trying to decide if this one is worth keeping in my Consumer Cyclical group (currently underrepresented overall). I am interested in growth with this stock more than the dividend. Would appreciate your thoughts as it resides in your Income Portfolio. If not QSR then what is a plan B in this sector? Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on February 28, 2023
Q: Hello, please name the top 3 stocks among these in terms of expected total return in the next 5 years, with a short explanation for your picks. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Martin on January 18, 2023
Q: I've read recently that digitalization has transformed MCD, and vastly improved margins in the process. I've also been reading how in general, robotics and automation is starting to get a toe-hold in some fast food restaurants.

This is asking a bit about looking into your crystal ball but do you see some similar positive transformation in either QSR and / or AW.UN in the future ?

I've also noticed that in recent responses to questions that you see value in these two names. I think QSR's P/E is about 21 which seems a bit on the high side. Is it ?

How well do companies like this do in a recession? One would think people would not have the extra cash to go eat at restaurants in that environment.
Read Answer Asked by James on December 09, 2022
Q: Hello, I saw that there are seven new CDRs from CIBC: Verizon, McDonald's, Nike, Starbucks, Coca-Cola, United Health, and Cisco. Without going into the CDRs versus buying on American exchanges debate, I am curious to know if some of these stocks are worth buying today, which ones, the reason why and in what order (from most compelling to least)., presumably for a 5-year holding period. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Martin on August 10, 2022
Q: Hi Folks,
I am in the process of tweaking my portfolios in case we have a recession or we go into a bear market. I am thinking of selling CTC.A MCD and WSP and buying COST, DOL, L and adding to ATD. Your opinion is greatly appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by JOHN on April 25, 2022
Q: Good morning. I am looking to add a new US dividend growth stock to my RRSP. My top contenders are Costco, Home Depot and McDonald's. What would be your top choice today? Do you have any better suggestions (stocks or REIT's)? Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Kim on March 21, 2022
Q: Hi 5i We have $65000.00 in cash in an RRESP account. The funds will not be used for 7 years. We are looking to get back into the market. May we have 5 Canadian and 5 US suggestions. Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Gordon on March 07, 2022