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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello,

Not too long ago I asked your opinion of Heico - thank you for your response.

As a follow-up, could you please compare Heico to Transdigm? Which has the better past returns, future growth potential, balance sheet health, valuation? Which would be your preference if only buying one? What entry points would you consider reasonable?

Thank you for your insights,

Read Answer Asked by Doris on August 22, 2023
Q: Hi 5i
I'd like to address my low level of industrials (as pointed out by your analytics). Could you provide a top/favourite 3-5 list (either US or CDN) given current market conditions please.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by mike on July 20, 2023
Q: Hi,

I have had Heico on my watchlist for quite some time but never purchased any because of the premium valuation. Everything I read about it (including the questions/answers on 5i) is positive so I'm wondering if it is one of those stocks that warrants a premium valuation, ie. will always be expensive?

I do own some Ferrari (RACE) shares which have done well for me and are also at a premium valuation, but it seems (at least so far) that it deserves the premium. Same story for my Tesla shares. So I am wondering if Heico is similar to RACE and Tesla in that way? Would you consider a purchase of Heico for a growth investor with a long time frame?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Doris on July 20, 2023
Q: I already own Honeywell and BAE Systems but want to increase and diversify my holdings in Industrials. I know you like ROP, but I am also looking at PAYX, MMM and EMR. I am tempted by MMM, because it is so beaten up and is quite different from my existing holdings, but I worry that it is beaten up for good reason. Could you rank these four industrials in terms of quality for a long term investment, taking into account their current valuations?
Read Answer Asked by David on June 05, 2023
Q: I hold the above stocks as the industrial portion of my portfolio. I try to keep my portfolio under 28 stocks and your recent comments on your "cooling" to SIS has me contemplating a change. I am trying to decide if I am best served from a diversification standpoint to go with TFII (or too much like CNR?), go with a more of a manufacturing name (ATA, TT), sell SIS and spread the proceeds among the three remaining stocks or as another alternative, might you even consider selling CNR and SIS and replacing both with the names I have suggested (or any others you might add).

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on February 15, 2022