Q: With regards to the rate reset spread being, as I read it , 5 yr+ 3.15 % …would that 5yr be a US Treasury or Bank of Cda bond / rate …there is a meaningful difference between the two now…I realize they pay in US$…many thanks
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Investment Q&A
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Q: Hi team. ENB.PF.U pays dividends in US$ but it is a Canadian company, therefore would the dividends on this US$ preferred be eligible for the dividend tax credit in Canada?
Q: Could you please tell me what is the risk of buying this preferred today? I believe it resets in Sept 2027. Rates will likely be lower then, but what would the yield and price look like then relative to today's value and rate. I'm looking for USD income but with a dividend tax credit benefit. Any other suggestions (MG, NTR, QSR?) instead of this strategy? Thanks