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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Dear 5i team.

I would like to look at a small investment in defence/war munitions sector companys or ETF. Can you suggest 3-5 names that cater to "War" efforts that can be considered a DIY ETF? As well, which ETF(s) would you consider for this exercise. Ideally one with the lowest BA %.
Finally, are these Co's trading at resonable valuations, or has this ship sailed, so to speak?

Many thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on June 10, 2024
Q: Hello,
Can you please recommend a few US blue chip large cap with reasonable valuation, decent dividend, some growth, buy and forget type of stock. I am reviewing my portfolio and looking for some ideas. No need to comment on why you like the names. Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on May 21, 2024
Q: Can you recommend any stocks that would benefit if China invaded Taiwan? I was thinking along the line of military, resources, submarine, sea technology stocks, etc. But if you know of any other ones that would be great too. Thanks.

Read Answer Asked by Helen on April 22, 2024
Q: Would you also provide me with 5 Industrials and tech in the USA that are not over-valued.

Read Answer Asked by Donna on March 06, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,

Looking for exposure to defense industry. MAL:CA has been a consideration. Would appreciate you thoughts on the stock moving forward and what other stocks you would consider for a long term 5+ year hold.

Thank you in advance.

Greg C.
Read Answer Asked by GREGORY on February 26, 2024
Q: Basket defense stocks: could you suggest a basket of defense stocks for 3+ year hold. A short comment on why you like them would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by sam on January 04, 2024
Q: What would consider as a good entry point for each of these and also a price target please.
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on November 02, 2023
Q: Just wondering your top 3 US/Canadian stock picks focusing on increased military spending.

Thank you for providing this great product.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on October 20, 2023
Q: I have 1/2 positions in both RTX and LMT and was considering adding to one of them. Which one would you add to at this time? Alternately, do you have another suggestion for the industrials space that you like better than these two companies? thanks, J
Read Answer Asked by John on October 13, 2023
Q: I am thinking to start a position in the defense sector for a 3-5 year hold. Is this a sector you see much upside and volatility in? Has the worlds tensions and conflicts already been priced into the share prices? What would be your top three defense companies to consider?

Thank you in advance for your great advice!!
Read Answer Asked by Sean on April 06, 2023
Q: Elbit has pulled back but perhaps basing and I'm wondering whether this an opportunity. What are your thoughts on their prospects? I own NOC and would like to add another name in the sector - would you go with ESLT or suggest another name? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 15, 2023
Q: Britain's drone “super highway & other country's may follow, Canada will be last as usual.

As drones become more ubiquitous which manufacturer[s] do you think will lead the way?

What are the best pick & shovel company's to bet on in the drone gold rush?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Ross on February 06, 2023