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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter…May I have your thoughts on the McEwen announcement? I can’t figure out who is buying whom. It looks like GOT is taking a position in McEwen which seems distracting. Can GOT sell the $10 million worth of McEwen shares? Is this a start of a merger? Any thoughts you have would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by James on January 29, 2025
Q: Hi Peter…Today’s headline “Strategic Investors Exercise Warrants Early”. The stock is up slightly today in a down market likely due to encouraging drill results and today’s posting the news about the investors exercising the warrants. Do you know if Eric Sprott has been exercising his warrants (assuming he is a strategic investor and has warrants)! Do these warrants trade? A couple of days ago a press release stated that for one hole the visible gold in the core was becoming “coarser”, suggesting the hole is close to penetrating the centre of the ore body. I assume “coarser” means the gold crystals are becoming larger. Do you know if that is logical or just wishful thinking? I own slightly more than 2,000 shares and am thinking about buying some more. I generally don’t purchase warrants but might reconsider.
The news suggests veins at depth so production costs will be substantial - if it ever reaches that stage.
Read Answer Asked by James on August 07, 2024
Q: Hi Peter...Do you have any comments on GOT's latest press release? Do you feel they have enough money to fund this year's drill program or is there a strong likelyhood of a share offering in the not too distant future? Any change in insider ownership? Does Eric Sprott, (a noted "gold bug") still own 9% of the common stock? The share price is down slightly today which may indicate investor sentiment that a share offering is in the works. Of course that's what's public markets are for!
Read Answer Asked by James on July 09, 2024
Q: May I have your thoughts on GOT.V latest discovery? If I understand the press release correctly they have discovered additional mineralization where glaciers have retreated. They appear to be “grab samples” so they haven’t done any drilling to get any idea how deep is the mineralization. Risks are still high! Have insiders maintained or increased their positions since my January 2023 question? I note the stock is slightly higher than a year ago, probably mostly due to weaker interest rates! Any thoughts you have would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by James on January 29, 2024
Q: May I have your comments on GOT's "Golddigger" project? Their website seems somewhat over promotional even though this area in BC has produced mines going back to Anoyx' mines in 1912. The mineralized zone on the side of a mountain seems, to my layman's eye, to be tricky to mine. I guess if the mineralization grades are high and consistent enough... Have any senior miners taken up GOT's stock? Does management have significant money committed to GOT's stock? Are the Nisga'a onside?
Any comments you have would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by James on January 27, 2023