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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have gains and outsized weighting in CSU, DSG, WXM. Planning to rebalance in the new year. I have been building positions in LMN and KXS and have a gain in those. I'm down and have smaller weightings in PBH, BYD, BEP.UN, AW. Which of these 6 would you suggest to add to in 2025?
Read Answer Asked by Matthew on December 19, 2024
Q: Hi Peter and 5iresearch team:
In your answer to Gerry's question on Feb 16, you mentioned that CSU and ATB have been the best Canadian compounders over the last ten years. You added DOL, BYD, TFII, BN, CLL.B, TRI based on historical performance and you are expecting LMN.V, TVK, HPS.A, TOI, GSY to be potential Canadian compounders in the future.

1. Would YOU still invest in CSU, ATB, DOL, BYD, TFII, BN, CLL.B, TRI with the same conviction and weighting?
2. Could you please provide a similar answer but for the US market? Please provide 10 or so best US compounders based on historical performance that YOU think investors should keep investing in and 5 or so US companies that YOU would buy as potential US compounders in the future.

Thank you for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Ahmed on February 21, 2024
Q: Hi All,

I have 1/2 positions in the following and would like to add to the stronger companies going out 1-3 years.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on February 07, 2024
Q: 1. What percentage do you advise allocating to discretionary sector.
2. Included are non-US names because of pricing power/ controlled supply. If I missed any from your favs, please add to the list.
3. Recently you answered my question on industrial stocks based on
a) core [large, defensive names]
b) high growth regardless of size
c) recent strength and positive momentum.
Applying that to my list of discretionary stocks, please rank in each category (1-3, with 1 strongest)

Read Answer Asked by sam on February 05, 2024
Q: Are there any Canadian and/or American small to mid cap companies in the same field that Score was, that have the potential to do well over the next two to five years. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on May 18, 2023
Q: Dear Peter,

This question is based on your excellent article in Canadian Money Saver Nov/Dec 2015! How time flies, eh?! Titled: Setting up a US income portfolio with call options.

Several years ago I had asked if you have written any follow articles on this strategy? If you have, please post the links for all of your subscribers. That would be helpful.

But my question is this:
Based on the criteria that you highlighted in that article if you had to choose Five stocks what would those stocks be today?

I am semi retired senior citizen who can allocate 10-15% of my portfolio to this strategy.

Many thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on April 28, 2023
Q: Given the current economic climate and potential future trends, which industries or sectors do you believe are well-positioned for long-term growth in the stock market, and what specific Canadian and US companies within those industries or sectors do you believe have strong fundamentals and potential for long-term momentum?

Thank you!

Read Answer Asked by Derek on April 26, 2023
Q: In late January with geopolitical tension increasing I put stops on my stocks. I was stopped out of ATD,BYD,BBP,UN,DOO,MAGT,MG,PBH,PLC, and TSU. I was also stopped out of GSY,KXS,NVEI,TFII, and TOP, all of this group I've repurchased. The remaining stocks, are there any you wouldn't buy back? Thanks for all your good council over the years thru good times and challenging times. David
Read Answer Asked by David on March 23, 2022
Q: Hi 5i Team - I have sold my shares in Score but am interested in investing in a company in the same space. Am considering buying Penn and am just wondering if this would be a good strategy. Also are there any companies similar to Score that you would recommend - Canadian or U.S, any size of market cap but small and mid cap are preferred. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on October 12, 2021
Q: Hello,
I wish to bring up some percentage allocation in one or two of the above companies from the balanced portfolio and was wondering how you would rate them for (1) growth and (2) safety over next, say three years. Thanks for your great service!
Read Answer Asked by jeff on June 30, 2021
Q: I have Kinaxis in the growth section of my portfolio and have had for years. It's done well, but has receded and stagnated, so I am considering replacing it with one of the above which have been on my watch list for a while. I also hold PHO and DND which will eventually have to be replaced. I'm not concerned about sector, except, no tech because I'm overweight, but am looking to replace with a decent quality Canadian stock with good capital appreciation expected over the next few years as the economy recovers. Please order all five, including KXS as buy and hold growth stocks. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Kim on June 10, 2021
Q: Above are my CDN holdings greater than 2% of my portfolio. I'm looking for 1 more sleep at night CDN recommendation for an RRSP account that you would initiate at more than 2% and hoping you might have a short list of recommendations? No oil/gas/pipelines, thx but otherwise I'm open.
Read Answer Asked by Cameron on June 03, 2021
Q: I handle my 40 year old daaughters portfolio. In her $170,000 balanced portfolio which is equally balanced, BYD has grown to 13%, LSPD to 19% and SHOP to 7.5%. The funds are not required for any other purpose than growing the income for retirement. We are not too concerned about the downside of these. Still, 5i keeps insisting that a maximum to hold for equities shwould be 5%. Should we trim and put the excess else where and if so could you suggest where or keep on with no change. We are comfortabl with this. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on February 03, 2021
Q: Hi. I have the above stocks in my TFSA and have some cash to deploy. Could you please give me 3 suggestions and rank them. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Dona on May 26, 2020