Q: I have 4 stocks doing very well in my TFSA, MSFT, BRK.B, VI and APPL. Recently I noted that COSTCO is doing very well and I am considering adding it to my TFSA but am out of space. 1) do you think that adding Costco to my TFSA is a good idea and 2) if so which of the my current stocks above should I replace?
Many thanks. Jane
On Feb 28th 5i provided answers to Jacques and David on the top 10 US and CAD stocks to own in a TFSA. Thank you for that answer.
Can you please provide the top 12 stocks overall (CAD or US) in order of priority that should be in a TFSA? We have both US and CDN funds + CDR's. Diversity is not important at this time and we are anticipating that US stocks will outnumber CAD stocks in the top 12. Funds are not required for 6 years or more.
If this was your TFSA, would you have equal weighting or will one or more of the stocks have a higher weighting compared to other stocks? If yes, can you identify the stock(s) and the % of weighting? We can equal weight the remaining stocks.
Q: If you could choose only 1 US stock to invest your entire portfolio in for 10 years, which one would you invest in today? (clearly you would never recommend only 1 stock for an entire portfolio, but if you were forced to, which stock do you have the most faith that it could likely beat the S&P500 index over that time period?)
Q: Hello,
I own some FFH and have been concerned by the Muddy Waters report (it's description in the press as it was too specific and complex for me to read and assess) and am wondering if you think it will affect the performance of FFH in the long run and if it is intrinsic to the manner FFH usually does business, compared to, say to another insurance co such as IFC which is more transparent in it's reporting?
Q: Hi, Could you please provide your opinion on Progressive Corp. P&C Insurance sector seems to be doing well and stock is making new highs ( Noted that IFC is your favourite in Canada). How is the valuation compared to its competitors? Company released its premiums business for the month of January, yesterday, which sounded encouraging, sending stock to another high. Do you think that current level is good to start a position ? Thanks
Q: In my US TFSA, I currently hold Costco Microsoft Berkshire Hathaway and Intuitive Surgical at equal weighting. I’m making my annual maximum contribution. Which one would you recommend at this time?
Q: Do you feel like this is just about the cheapest value stock in the market with upside and very little risk to keep anybody awake at night?
Thanks Again.
Q: HERE is the DEAL, My wife and i are going to live off grid for 3 years, no internet, no phone, no visitors, oh YEAH, the dogs want to come, we grow are food, hunt and fish, we have a 1 million to invest, we own no other stocks. So could you rate the following stocks for safety and % rating.
We have a full position in VGT and 1/2 position in BRK.B in an RRSP and NVDA, AMD, and Google in our TFSA's.
Do you see reduced growth in the VGT & BRK.B ETF's with AAPL downgrades and a possibility of consolidation of MSFT this year after stellar 2023 numbers?
Would you swap VGT or BRK.B to another ETF for 2024 or just let it ride?
Q: I hold BRK.B and SPYV in a non-registered account and so far, BRK has had a much better gain than SPYV. Over the next 5 years, do you think SPYV or BRK.B will have the best total return? Is the high concentration of APPL in BRK.B a concern? Do you know where I can get an accurate list of BRK.Bs holdings?
Q: I am considering adding BH to my TFSA account. Please advise if purchasing BRK.TO is the best way to do so. Also, is there any other issues I should be aware of regarding this "US stock" to be held in a Canadian TFSA account. Thank you
Q: Hello.
A. What do you think of Berkshire Hathaway CDR for a growth investment with a long-term hold in a TFSA? I bought some Berkshire Hathaway in US dollars in 2020 when it began to rebound and am very pleased.
Q: I have a friend who has $20,000 to invest in a relatively safe group of stocks, hoping to gain about 8% a year; his plan is to leave the funds in for at least two years. He has no preexising stocks. Please recommend one or two groups of stocks for him to invest in.