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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: With the recent declines, in what order will you invest in the above mentioned companies and why
Read Answer Asked by Satish on December 20, 2024
Q: what percent of an all equity portfolio would you be comfortable allocating to an ETF like SPY or an Asset Manager like BN or Berkshire?

Currently my BN/BAM allocation is about 15%, i'm contemplating bringing it up to 20%
Read Answer Asked by Rob on October 02, 2024
Q: Hi Everyone!! Peter, I always enjoy your article in the National Post. In this past one” Five things I wish I knew when I started out”…. You mentioned as one of your points , that companies that don’t need any money at all are the best investments . Could you please list a few Canadian and US companies that are in that situation?
Read Answer Asked by Tamara on April 12, 2023
Q: 3 questions

What is the annual return for ENB since it went public when you include dividends & largest drawdown?

Would a 20% position in ENB for a retired person looking for income make sense?

What are the 5 safest Canadian & US stocks that would provide the best protection against drawdowns?
Read Answer Asked by Nick on September 09, 2022
Q: Hello,

I’ve always wondered why certain companies let their share price run into the thousands and rarely if ever split their shares. For a small retail investor like myself paying 2000- $3000 USD for an Amazon or Alphabet is simply not possible. I’ve always suspected it may be a philosophy of management and or founders who all still have significant influence in the mentioned companies.
Read Answer Asked by Anthony on January 07, 2022
Q: Hi 5i,

I am Canadian and I have purchased BRK.B around few months ago around US$180. However, it doesn't move up much and seem like underperform.
Do you think BRK.B is undervalued stock and it will catch up better performance in 2020 since APPL just released an outstanding report. The reason I asked because I am thinking to sell some of them to buy APPL. However, I don't want to change back to Canadian dollar, the Canadian dollar was lowest ever during the time I purchased BRK.B. Now I am facing the currency risk and slow moving up price for BRK.B. In your opinion, should I keep it and wait for long time until it offset the currency risk, or any suggestion. Would you please kindly advise.
Read Answer Asked by ma on August 06, 2020
Q: Hi there,

Shopify appears that it will not continue it's rise. Sell now or buy more?
Berkshire Hathaway A seems to be, in essence, a pricey mutual/ETF fund but one that has fallen and history would suggest will rebound. Buy now or is it your thinking that Buffet and Monger are elderly and this increases risk and/or the Canadian $ too weak and/or stick with B and diversify. Or none of the above? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Wendy on April 27, 2020
Q: You had previously given the following criteria to judge momentum stocks: "For momentum we like a rising stock price with increasing volume, positive earnings surprises, accelerating earnings, analysts' upgrades and target prices. "

Would I be correct in assuming that in the current markets, we need to think more like value investors, however, than momentum investors? If my observation is correct how does one then analyze value stocks?

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on April 02, 2020
Q: I am currently overweight the financial sector. I am concerned about the trend to negative interest and the risk of a recession. The odds of market declines are increasing in my opinion.
Protection of capital is more important than income.
We are not supposed to time the market.
Should I put this group in cash ?
The group will be hurt by negative interest rates or am I wrong on this.
Read Answer Asked by Doug on August 19, 2019