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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I currently have a total of 5% of my portfolio in an equal combination of ENB and PPL. How advantageous (if at all), would it be to add BPMP for the sake of its dividend and seemingly low current valuation? As this would be a non-registered account investment does the tax treatment of U.S. dividends present a material issue?
Read Answer Asked by David on August 26, 2020
Q: What with the obvious appeal of Enb:CA and Ppl:CA, you may not get too many questions regarding U.S. pipelines. Regardless, can you give me your opinion of BPMP vs Enbridge/Pembina from a tax-resistance, dividend reliability and valuation perspective? Do you perceive other pipeline companies as greater value/dividend opportunities?
Read Answer Asked by David on August 25, 2020