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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i,
I held BEPC in a non registered US account as dividends supposedly were in US dollars. I sold BEPC and added to my BEP in that US non registered account. I also have BEP.UN in a non-registered Canadian account. Should I keep both BEP and BEP.UN or would it be advantageous to sell one of them and add to the other? If so, which one? I have increases in each but am within the portfolio percentage of where I want to be.
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on October 01, 2020
Q: The price gap between the two seems to vary from 2.50 to 3.50 in favour of BEPC.
Do you see that as a constant going forward as both move in lockstep or do you see any circumstances that would expand or contract the differential?

Read Answer Asked by Terry on August 17, 2020
Q: I have over 1000 shares of BEP:US in my RIF. I am planning to convert the shares to BEPC:CA and take some shares out next year as part of my RIF annual withdrawal. You have predicted that BEPC shares should do better than the BEP:US shares and so far you prediction seems to be correct. (Yes it is early days). I am thinking of selling the BEP:US maybe in a week or two, thinking the demand from Canadian investors will have slackened by then. Am I being foolish trying to time the market?
Read Answer Asked by James on August 05, 2020
Q: If my first objective is capital appreciation, how would you rank these three? Second question, my perception is that FTS isn't as "renewable" compared to BEP and AQN. How would you compare FTS to the other two in this regard?
Read Answer Asked by Albert on August 04, 2020
Q: I currently hold BEP.UN in a non-registered account. Up 70%. Was going to swap with BEPC, until I read your response to an earlier question that this would be a taxable event. I had assumed it would not be as I thought I was trading like for like. Can you please explain? Similarly, I replaced BIP.UN with BIPC in the same non-registered account on the same understanding. Is that also a taxable event? And lastly, assuming I'll be paying capital gains on my 70% profit with BEP, do you see any advantage of going forward with swapping it out for BEPC? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on July 21, 2020
Q: are you at all suspicious of the complex interconnectedness of the Brookfield group of companies? All seems well but like the predecessor Hees-Edper group of companies, would a slowdown cause a tumbling of dominoes?

Forgive me for thinking 'thrice bitten - always shy' but it seems many are on the Brookfield boat.
Read Answer Asked by Neelesh on July 21, 2020
Q: What are your top 5 dividend stock ideas? Perhaps ones that haven't rebounded yet that have a good yield, or that have had recent results that showed resiliency and have room to run. For example, you have been been right in recommending BEP.UN, however, it has had a big run. Do you carte blanche keep recommending even after it's big run or is there a better relative buy?
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on June 01, 2020
Q: I plan to retire in 3 years and want to set up a portfolio of dividend paying stocks for my retirement in a non- registered account. Can you please give me your thoughts if I buy the following in 20% amounts at each S&P drop of 3-5% over the next 1-3 months. CM RY, NA, CWB, BCE, T, H, BIP, BEP, BAM.
Are there any others you would recommend today?
Read Answer Asked by Vineet on March 31, 2020
Q: I have approached my stop losses in these investments, should I sell to try to preserve capital to re-enter the market later after a bottom is more likely?? Say when the VIX is below 40? I kronor you can't give personal advice, just wondering what you would do, I'm 68 and retired, thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Pat on March 24, 2020
Q: Just before the sharp downturn in market values I sold about 20% of my growth holdings.if I was looking to add a 2 - 3 names back what would be your top recommendations for good value on price and long term growth prospects?
Also, what was the reason for the decline in CBO price?
Read Answer Asked by PETER on March 16, 2020
Q: Which stocks (US or Cdn) in your opinion may serve as something of a hedge during the virus scare. Kinaxis, for example, doesn't seem to be getting beaten up (yet). I'm thinking of online shopping support stocks, streaming networks, or other businesses that won't be affected, and may even see a boost, if people choose to stay in.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on March 06, 2020
Q: As a retired investor, I am keen on stocks with low betas, high dividends and some growth. AQN, NPI and BEP all meet these criteria and are all up significantly, riding on a crest of green sentiment. These three stocks now compromise 13.5% of my total portfolio. I am loathe to part with my green energy stocks as they are doing so well. That said, have I put too many eggs in one basket? At what percent should I cap my green energy investment? Other than higher interest rates, what could impact continued growth in this sector?

On a related note, I am now overweight in utilities, which now represent 21% of my total portfolio. This includes the three above-mentioned stocks, plus Fortis and BEP. Would you suggest reducing this weighting? And if so, which stock(s )would you be inclined to sell?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on February 14, 2020
Q: Hi 5i,
My BEP holding is up 70% and represents 5.2% of my portfolio. I see you are recommending trimming in your model portfolio. I was considering a trim sometime this year but I was thinking it would make sense to wait for the "free" new company shares that are being allocated later this year (1 for every 4 shares). Does this thinking make sense?
Read Answer Asked by Martha on February 12, 2020
Q: I have read the q and a's on the proposed split but I am still confused so please bear with me if this is a repeat question. I currently hold 100 shares in my US Rrsp account as the dividends are paid in US dollars so this avoids any exchange fees. I understand that I once the conversion occurs I will own 40 shares of the new company. Should I sell before the conversion to maximize my US dollars and buy Bep in my Canadian Rrsp account? I guess I just need to understand the implications. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maggie on February 10, 2020
Q: Can you name 8 companies with good balance sheets that I can buy long term bonds in. I may go out up to 25years.
Read Answer Asked by Mark on January 28, 2020